7. "You must think you're better than everyone because you're an artist." | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things You Shouldn't Say To An Art Major

I'm not just some lazy hippie who has 100k followers on Instagram and sells my art on Etsy.

7 Things You Shouldn't Say To An Art Major

People assume that art majors are just taking the "easy way out," but "it's okay" because apparently, we won't get a "real" job after graduating. Our classes are basically just grown-up versions of "Arts & Crafts" filled with oil paints and popsicle sticks. We are "lazy bums" with no motivation to take "actual" classes.

I'm tired of this being the stereotype, so please stop saying these things to us. It's offensive.

1. "Art can't be that hard. I bet you all your classes are easy A's."


Sorry to break it to you, but art classes are jammed with projects that seem almost impossible. From thumbnails to execution, art projects take weeks. But, don't let that make you think that we are just taking our sweet time. No no no... Every day is filled with 6-8 hours of work being put into our projects. So, yeah, I may not have labs or have to take Calculus, but you try and create an entire 48-page brand design specification book that includes an original logo, color palette, mockups, typography, brand guidelines, etc. in one week.

2. "Wow, your instagram feed must have such a good theme!"


We are all not trendy hipsters from LA who wear fake eyeglasses and Doc Martens to class. Our instagrams are not always cohesive. We may know what an aesthetic is, but our socials may not always illustrate that. We are normal people from every "clique" on campus. From the outdoorsy types to the skater guys to the student council members. We all just have one thing in common: we love art.

3. "Every guy who is an art major MUST be gay."


Dude, it's 2019. Sure, all kinds of sexualities are accepted in the arts. However, just because a guy dresses like he is a Urban Outfitters model doesn't mean he is an art major... or that he is gay... When creating art, we are constantly looking at cohesive materials that we think would work well together. Therefore, we all usually have a cohesive way of showcasing our own personalities to the world. It's a simple case of you are what you eat... You can look at an artist's work and can usually tell what they look like or their personality. A punk, edgy artist isn't gonna create work that looks like it is from a Pinterest-y blogger's site. It just doesn't work that way.

4. "Hey, can you make this for me... for free?"


"Can you draw this for me?" or "Can you design this for me?"

Artists get this almost daily. Just because I can create art doesn't mean I want to do it for other people. Yet, there are times when we would more than happy to make something for you. But when you say, "...for free?" It's really offensive. You wouldn't go to the doctor and expect that your bill is taken care of. Sure, we will create a piece for you but this is also how we make a living. Don't get me wrong, we will most likely gift or just voluntarily give you a piece of ours. But, when you ask for something, especially for free, you are taking our time away from our actual clients who are paying our bills. Therefore, we are gonna charge you just the same as everyone else. You may get a discount if you're lucky, but don't expect a free piece of art.

5. "Don't you think it'll be hard to get a real job after college?"


Art is becoming such a huge part of society. It's everywhere from websites to video games to billboards. Everything is going digital and imagery is necessary for the Internet. You see some form of art thousands of times a day. So no, I don't think it'll be hard for me to find a job after college. Maybe you should be worrying about the psychology and communication majors.

6. "So, you can draw, right?"


We. All. Can't. Draw. Simple as that.

7. "You must think you're better than everyone because you're an artist."


Now, I can see why some people think this. You see a person who got an "easy" job but charges thousands of dollars for a tiny logo. Big deal? Actually yes. A lot goes on behind the scenes of an artist. Hours and hours of production, re-doing everything hundreds of times over, nitpicking every little detail so that it can be perfect for the client or the audience. All of that just to get harassed into thinking our jobs are not as valuable as a someone who works in law or the medical field. We aren't trying to be stuck up, we would just like some appreciation.

Again, you may think...

People assume that art majors are just taking the "easy way out," but "it's okay" because apparently, we won't get a "real" job after graduating. Our classes are basically just grown-up versions of "Arts & Crafts" filled with oil paints and popsicle sticks. We are "lazy bums" with no motivation to take "actual" classes.


We are not taking the "easy way out." Art is a real job. Sure, we create amazing products but we aren't just 20-year-old kindergartners finger painting. We are actually very hardworking and probably spend more time on our homework for one project than you do for a whole week.

Can we stop the stereotypes?

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

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