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Student Life

It's Midterm Season, So Here Are 7 Tips To Get Through It

Some helpful ways to prepare physically and mentally for one of the worst parts about college: midterms.

It's Midterm Season, So Here Are 7 Tips To Get Through It

Are you staying up all night studying for your midterms? Do they stress you out to no end, and you just want to get it over with? If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's completely okay and normal—don't worry, I am too. Here are a few tips that you can use to help relax yourself during this dreaded midterm season.

1. Use a face mask


What better way to relax than to use a face mask? Before or after you study for the day, put one on and relax. Watch your favorite show or read your favorite book while you're waiting for your face mask to do its thing. Your face will definitely feel fresh afterward, and it will relieve some of your stress.

2. Go to bed early


This may be difficult because you'll probably end up staying up fairly late studying, but this is sure going to help de-stress you. Say you have a midterm at 9am. If you go to bed around 11pm, you'll be able to get the recommended amount of eight to nine hours of sleep and feel refreshed the morning of your midterm!

3.  Eat healthy


Eating healthy doesn't necessarily mean to eat strictly fruits, vegetables, and salads; it also means to eat meals full of protein and good carbs. Getting rid of bread and pasta (a really tough one) and eating foods like chicken, chickpeas, and quinoa will help your mental health a lot more than you may think!

4. Exercise


Working out is not only good for the body. It's good for the mind as well ! Working out, whether it's at the gym, in an instructed class, or by yourself in your room, it's still a really good way to get your stress out through movement. It'll definitely help clear your mind of any worries and help you focus on what matters most: yourself.

5. Meditate


Meditation is another extremely helpful way to help de-stress...even if it's just for a minute. Last semester, I took a class that strongly focused on appreciating your self-worth, and one way that you can get bad--or stressful--thoughts out of your head is to meditate. Focus on your breathing rather than the thoughts in your mind. It'll surely calm you down and put you in a state of peace.

6. Change your scenery


A change of scenery could change your study habits for sure. If you typically study in your room, it's possible that you don't study well because you associate your room with comfort, which could easily distract you. Going to the library, or even a study lounge (if your dorm has one) can help get your mind prepared to study and hold in information better than if you were studying in your room.

7. Take study breaks


Lastly, take study breaks every once in awhile. Don't go a straight six hours studying; it'll fry your brain and stress you out even more. If you studied for a half hour, take a break and relax for a half hour. If you've studied for two or three hours, take a break for the day and study later. Space it out over a period of time, and be sure that you don't cram! Recharging yourself is important and will decrease your stress levels. If your school work is stressing you out and you need a break, take a break!!!!

Good luck on your midterms and remember: don't stress out too much!!! Take it easy. You got this.

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