Of Mice And Men return once again with their 4th LP, "Cold World". I pre-ordered the album as soon as it was announced. This album has a whole new "feel" to it, reminding me of Tool or Korn. It was hard for me to adjust to the new sound but that changed as I continued to understand the album. It showcases both Austin's and Aaron's continued vocal growth. The album starts off with "Game Of War" that reflects on the San Bernardino terrorist attack in 2015 which leads into "The Lie." "The Lie" gets you moving with its heavy sound. The guys continue to amaze with each album. The singles, "Real" and "Pain", grab hold and don't let up. "Pain" captures what Austin deals with his longtime fight with Marfan Syndrome. If you haven't picked up the album yet then I definitely recommend you should!
Check it out on Apple Music and Spotify!
Sending Austin all the good vibes as gets better!