Mayfest At Syracuse Is The Best Day Of The Year | The Odyssey Online
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Mayfest At Syracuse Is The Best Day Of The Year

2. Complimentary Beer

Mayfest At Syracuse Is The Best Day Of The Year

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With the end of the semester and finals season approaching, I am absolutely drowning in work. It sucks because the weather is FINALLY starting to get nice, but I'm trapped in classrooms and libraries all day. I think most students are at the point where we are just ready for summer and for the semester to be over.

However, there is one thing keeping me going and motivating me to make it to the end: Mayfest. Mayfest (and Block Party) day is my favorite of the whole year, and here's why:

1. Free entry!

Yep, you can get into this all-day "festival" for free! The event is filled with live music, bouncy obstacle courses, and lots of other fun things to do. You just need your student ID and you're all set.

2. Complimentary Beer

For those who are of age, you can get a wristband for 2-3 free beers, depending on the time you arrive!

3. Free Food!

Yes-- more free stuff! There is always a large variety of options at Mayfest to satisfy your drunk (or sober) taste buds. The corn dogs and hamburgers always hit the spot when you need a midday pick-me-up.

4. It’s an all-day party!

Mayfest starts at 11 a.m., but the party starts even before that. Most students are up and drinking beginning as early as 9 a.m. There is a very brief intermission after Mayfest and then the party continues at the Dome for Block Party! Does anything sound better?

5. Block Party

After a great day at Mayfest with your friends, Block Party is an even better way to end the night. Although this part of the event is not free, it's definitely worth it. University Union always brings major artists that put on a great show. Some of the past headliners include Gucci Mane, Travis Scott, and the Chainsmokers.

Are you as excited for Mayfest as I am? Who do you think will play Block Party this year? I can't wait to find out.

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