5. The Commodores - "I'm Ready" | The Odyssey Online
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Marvel 10 — A Greatest Hits Soundtrack

For as long as I can remember, curating a "mix" or "playlist" has been a favorite hobby of mine.

Marvel 10 — A Greatest Hits Soundtrack

I use both terms, "mix" and playlist" because time created evolution from cassette and CD mixes to applications such as iTunes and Spotify playlists.

After 10 years of 22 beautifully created Marvel Superhero films, we came to a close of the Infinity Saga on April 26th. The majority of these films have "original soundtracks" by famous composers such as Alan Silvestri ("Forrest Gump"); Tyler Bates ("300"); John Debney ("The Greatest Showman"); Craig Armstrong ("The Great Gatsby"); Ramin Djawadi ("Game of Thrones"); and Michael Giacchino ("Star Trek," 2009) amongst many others.

"Iron Man 2" took the initial launch with a full collaboration with AC/DC hits, and "Guardians of the Galaxy" took that launch into space with a lovely arrangement of throwbacks such as "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, and "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5. With summer right around the corner, everyone could use a new, vibrant playlist, and this Marvel 10 – Greatest Hits Soundtrack is just what the doctor ordered. "Part of the journey is the end," and with such words of wisdom from Iron Man himself, I am pleased to present you with this excellent playlist.

1. AC/DC – "Shoot to Thrill"

Nothing sets the tone to a movie like a full energy song by AC/DC, featuring the lead avenger himself, Iron Man. Seeing this film for the first time, especially with this scene, amps you up. And that's why it's the lead off track to our Marvel 10 Greatest Hits playlist.

2. Foo Fighters - "Walk Again"

Keeping with that high voltage energy, we move into our next song, "Walk Again" by the Foo Fighters. After seeing this one live, it's become a regular staple in my weekly listening. And to no avail, it's a great contributor to our second song of the playlist.

3. Marvin Gaye - "Trouble Man"

We get a brief glimpse at Captain America in very rough shape at the end of "Captain America: Winter Soldier." Who would've thought that such a saying "on your left" would go such a long way to "End Game." Falcon tells Rogers that Gaye's, "Trouble Man" was a way to get up up-to-speed while frozen over the last 60-plus years! So, after a few rock tracks, we break into a soulful experience with Marvin Gaye.

4. David Bowie - "Moonage Daydream"

In continuation with the soul and groove of Gaye, we take a song from what I consider one of better soundtracks of the MCU. Bowie provides that guitar and funk that this playlist needs, and it's a beautiful compliment titled "Moonage Daydream!"

5. The Commodores - "I'm Ready"

Here's the playlist's only instrumental song, and it's a funk, groove, and jiving song by The Commodores while the Ant Man gang prepare for their "heist" to land this newest tip.

6. alt-J - "Left Hand Free"

Cue all Avenger's fans, Civil War debuted the third attempt of Spider-Man. And boy, was this one as smashing as it could've been. Tom Holland's selection as Spider-Man, and the film technique of showing "Queens" with alt-J's song, "Left Hand Free," goes down as one of the best in the MCU. With such a notion, it's a perfect fit for our playlist.

7. Led Zeppelin - "Immigrant Song"

Thor reminds us the God which he is, and it comes in such an epic manner. Even Loki smirks when his brother arrives to the scene to defend their home, Asgard. If you're getting the hint, you'll notice these rock songs bring such a vibrant energy to this playlist, and "Immigrant Song" takes things to a peak level as the half-way mark of the playlist.

8. Vince Staples - "Oops" (with Yungen Blakrok)

This scene is very reminiscent of Tokyo Drift to me, it has the true racing and energy-driven feel that "Oops," provides when you listen to it. The version in the movie is stripped down, and possibly an unreleased copy of the song, but the "Black Panther" inspired soundtrack produced by Kendrick Lamar is a masterpiece.

9. The Spinners - "Rubberband Man"

After 18 films, the pieces finally come together for the beginning of the end of Phase III in the MCU. The Guardians of the Galaxy, led by Peter Quill (Starlord) arrive to a distress signal where Thanos has obliterated the cargo vessel from Asgard during post-Ragnorak. "Rubber Man" is such a fitting introduction for the Guardians in this film, and Quill plus Gamora's singing of the song is another testament to their relationship.

10. Dusty Springfield - "Spooky"

Ant Man's journey continues in "Ant Man & Wasp," and he has a dream which shows that Hank Pym's wife is still alive. As the two stroll in the mini-car, "Spooky" plays in the background. It's a lovely addition to this Marvel playlist that might be overlooked in 9/10 viewings of the

11. Garbage - "Only Happy When It Rains"

"Captain Marvel" brings an excellent assortment of nineties-focused music that gave me quite a bit of nostalgia. One in particular, "Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage serves true justice in this playlist. The scene the song plays is when Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) hits the highway with her stolen motorcycle.

12. Traffic - "Dear Mr. Fantasy"

This may hands down be the most symbolic song of the entire playlist, as Marvel dug very deep to bring a spectacular tribute to Tony Stark and the contributions he made to the Avengers. This is the title track and opening song to play in "Avengers End Game." There was no other song that would serve as good a closing to this "marvelous" playlist of greatest hits.

13. Daft Punk - "Robot Rock"

We give an encore song to the french duo, one of my all time favorites, Daft Punk. Enjoy the rock and electronic sensation of "Robot Rock."

And that's all folks! Feel free to follow the playlist on Spotify, "Marvel 10 – Greatest Hits," by Michael Kocourek.

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