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10 Things Madea Needs To Add To Her Bucket List Before 'Madea's Family Funeral' Premieres

Madea ain't finished yet.

10 Things Madea Needs To Add To Her Bucket List Before 'Madea's Family Funeral' Premieres

For all Madea fans worldwide, Tyler Perry announced that he will be retiring the character in March 2019 as he prepares the last movie of the Madea series, "Madea's Family Funeral," and play, "Madea's Farewell."

And if you don't know about her, she was an accidental character made by Tyler Perry in a play and became really popular whether she is on stage or on a motion picture movie. Now that she is leaving in March, we got a bucket list for her, and it's going to be epic.

1. Make a mixtape

If Made made a mixtape, it would be about her being a badass. In "Madea's Big Happy Family," the play, she really roasted Byron (guy with the black shirt and a light colored shirt over) when he had his pants sagging. The Wild 'N Out cast needs Madea.

2. Get her in the government

You know how straight to the point Madea is if she went into politics. She answered all of the questions with sass and savagery. Madea will SPEAK her mind. That could be the reason why Tyler is retiring the character so she could serve our country the right way. #MadeaForPresident

3. Madea flys around the world

Madea is the grandma getting pulled over.


But don't let Madea get arrested in some countries, but that would have been a good idea for a Madea movie, or a small snippet. She could meet worldwide sensations BTS in Korea. Or better yet, Madea needs to meet Prince Harry and Princess Meghan Markle in England ASAP and she can put some oomph in the castle.

4. Let Madea walk on the red carpet.


Madea is the star of her very last movie, she better walk on the red carpet to Madea's last movie premiere in her finest fit.

5. Create a clothing line for seniors


She would be REALLY get the old souls to the store and get her iconic looks.

6. Put her on a game show


Put Madea in Celebrity Family Feud, and the crowd would be laughing with her and Steve. Steve Harvey, don't let Tyler Perry put Madea away before you try to get her on the show.

7. Speak at a commencement ceremony


If she spoke at my graduation, I would be rolling all over the floor.

8. Star in a TV commercial


GEICO commercials with Madea? These ads would make SERIOUS money putting a grandma on TV for making us laugh.

9. Go to sports games

The NBA games, or better yet the Super Bowl, is a great way to get Madea involved in sports. And maybe she could get my favorite NFL team in check.

10. Take her to school and have her as a substitute teacher


Let's make school even more miserable with Madea teaching a class. It could be either a funny class or a nightmare.

Tyler Perry, you might want to put on that Madea suit on for at least a couple of more years before she retires from acting.

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