My Love/Hate Relationship With Jackthreads
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My Love/Hate Relationship With Jackthreads

An open letter.

My Love/Hate Relationship With Jackthreads

Anyone who knows me personally would surely be able to tell you that I am a fan of fashion. I feel absolutely no shame in admitting that I am an absolute clothes-hound. I'm constantly building and expanding upon my wardrobe, finding new and snappy outfits to add to my collection. I get it, it sounds kind of weird coming from a 19-year-old college student guy that he is nigh obsessed with his own personal fashion, but that's me. Everyone needs a hobby, so I guess this is mine.

Enter Jackthreads, a bright and shiny shopping website dedicated to helping men hone their own personal styles with the latest and greatest outfits. I had first heard about this site from those annoying sweeper ads that come on in between my favorite hits of '90s Pop Radio on Pandora because I'm too cheap to pay for premium. I kept hearing ads about this site's focus on style and low prices, and each time I was offered a coupon through Pandora for X percent off my next purchase. After a while, I decided that perhaps it was time to give Jackthreads a look.

From the first time I ever laid eyes on the site, I was hooked. From their great deals on shirts and outerwear to their beautiful collection of shoes and boots (a big selling point for me), I could see that Jackthreads had pulled me under, and there was surely no sign of resurfacing. I made my first purchase on the site the day I discovered it, buying a gorgeous charcoal twill peacoat for the crazy low price of $23 including shipping. Upon receiving the merchandise, I was shocked with the quality given its price, and amazed at how great it looked on me. It was at this point that I knew I had been sucked in completely, held for ransom by my own desires for personal style and new and snazzy outfits.

I have since bought a few more articles from them, a lightweight jacket and a pair of joggers. I've even downloaded the app which sends me updates every time there is a sale, much to the amusement of my roommate and my girlfriend. I have become an example of the effects of successful marketing and properly placed advertising--a good experience to have being an ad major.

So by now I'm sure a lot of you are wondering where exactly the hate portion of my love/hate relationship with Jackthreads comes in; the answer is really quite simple: money. I'm a college student at a private university who's in a fraternity. I have dues to pay and school necessities to buy and yet this website is just dangling enticing deals in front of me every other week like a mean kid dangling a Twinkie in front of some husky kid who's on a diet; it's just not fair. Thank goodness that I have a steady job here on campus to keep my bank account from drowning in the ocean of "hot deals" and "new arrivals" from Jackthreads while trying to keep up with the very real financial demands of private university education.

Perhaps this website is just testing me; trying my resolve and self-control. Maybe I was meant to find this site in the hopes that it would teach me a greater sense of fiscal responsibility as I transition into adult life. Or maybe this website just has a stupid amount of deals on fabulous clothing that is threatening to bankrupt me. It's probably the latter. God help me.

An open letter to Jackthreads,

You're beautiful and amazing and I hate you. Don't ever change, you evil, vile thing.

Sincerely, your ever-obedient servant,

Nicholas J. Wolf

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