Health Benefits Of Walking Daily | The Odyssey Online
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Walking For 30 Minutes Daily Is Helpful In Reducing Weight And Body Fat

If you cannot perform physical activities regularly, walking is the best way to attain your goal.

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Everyone in this fast-paced world wants to have a fit and properly shaped body. But the stress and daily work pressure somewhere stops you from achieving your goal. Scheduling your daily routine and by maintaining a proper diet can help you achieve it. Regular exercise and a healthy diet is the best combination to reduce weight and belly fat.

It not only keeps your body disease-free but also allows you to live a happier life. If you cannot perform physical activities regularly, walking is the best way to attain your goal. See, how this easiest form of exercise can help you lose belly fat and weight.

1. Walking burns calories

Whether you need to walk, think, breathe, or function normally, your body needs energy in the form of calories in order to perform all complex reactions. Well, every person needs a different number of calories and in fact, the amount is affected by factors like their genes, activity level, sex, and weight.

It is said that if you want to lose weight you need to burn calories and those who are physically active, burn more calories. But nowadays people are more into office jobs that made them sit all day and this sedentary lifestyle not only increases your weight but also many health problems.

But there's a solution for this: the more you walk, the more weight you tend to lose. If you walk for a mile it burns approximately 100 calories (that depends on your weight and sex). However, running also burns calories. But if you compare, it only burns around 23 extra calories per mile, on an average.

This means that both walking and running exceptionally contribute to a number of calories burned. If you want to burn more calories, start walking on routes with inclines and hills.

2. Walking burns belly fat

Losing belly fat isn't difficult. Just a daily walk and it's done. When a lot of fat stores around the midsection, it increases the risk of health problems like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Another health problem called abdominal obesity occurs when a man has a waist circumference greater than 40" and a woman has greater than 35." Add aerobic exercise like walking in your daily schedule if you really want to reduce belly fat. Different studies have shown that people who follow a calorie-controlled diet and also take a walk accordingly tend to lose their belly fat more quickly.

3. Enhance your mood

Morning exercises keep you fresh and happy for the day. When you involve yourself in physical activities, it automatically improves your mood and decreases the feeling of anxiety, depression, and stress. That way your brain becomes more sensitive to hormones norepinephrine and serotonin. And these hormones help throw away the feelings of stress and depression and encourage endorphins to let go and make you feel happy.

And once you start experiencing the benefit of daily walking, it might become your habit. However, there are times when you might not enjoy it, the reason being that the exercise is too physically demanding. Thus, walking is the best option to follow because this is a moderate-intensity exercise.

4. How you can include more walking into your lifestyle

When you develop a habit of doing physical activities on a daily basis it offers you ample benefits like amazing fitness, good mood, fewer chances of any disease and allows you to live a longer and healthier life. This is the reason why people are always suggested to perform some sort of physical activities for at least an hour per day. And when it is about walking, one should take a walk for at least 2.5 hours per week at a fast speed. It depends on you if you want to involve yourself in more exercises.

Here are some ways how you can reach this target:

Get a fitness tracker for you and see how many steps you took today and encourage yourself to do more.

If possible, always take a walk on your lunch break and even after the dinner.

You can even call your friend for the evening walk. It's a good way to spend time with them.

If you want to hold any meeting, ask your colleagues to walk and talk.

Challenge yourself and take new and some difficult routes to make your walk more interesting.

In fact, you can even join a walking group. Start talking few small steps and gradually you'll increase the amount you walk daily.

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