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16 Ways To Survive Long Car Rides

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16 Ways To Survive Long Car Rides

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This March, I'm going on a mission trip to New York. It goes without saying, but that is going to be a long ride. So, of course, I had to come up with some ideas of what to do to make it go by faster and smoother.

Wear relaxing clothes


Nothing is worse than being stuck in a car for HOURS in jeans and tennis shoes.

Glasses and Contacts


If you wear glasses, bring your case and cleaner. If you wear contacts, bring your solution.



Bring sunglasses, you never know how the sun will be that day.

Pillow and Blanket


If you aren't driving, pillows and blankets are your best friend.

Phone charger/portable charger


Nothing is worse than your phone dying half way to your destination.

The right music


You aren't having a lit car ride if you aren't jamming to some 90's R&B, then some good 'ole country, then finishing with rap that would make your momma blush.



If you're a reader, books will get you lost in your own world and the trip will fly by.

Laptop and headphones/earbuds


All movies last over an hour, so that will definitely help your trip.

Pain Meds


You never know when you'll get a headache, or your back will start making you feel like a 90 year old lady

Water and snacks


More food, less stops. More water, more pee breaks. Worth it.

Garbage bag(s)


Nobody likes a messy car. Be sure to pack a few extra bags to keep everything clean.

Take a nap


The best naps are hours long.

Chill on your phone.


Social media, games, scrolling through photos...



There is this crazy thing where you can talk to people, in person. Crazy, I know.

Draw or write


Maybe the messy look it gets while trying to draw/write in a bumpy car ride will give it character.

Take pictures!


You'll see some very beautiful scenery while driving, take advantage!

Fingers crossed these 16 tips will help not only me, but all of you as well!

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