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10 Things I Miss About Living In Louisville, Kentucky

Derby Season! The most wonderful time of the year.


Many people don't give Louisville the credit it deserves. To be honest, I didn't think it was amazing, but then I left and realized how wrong I was. I know a lot of us to miss home, but in my opinion, there is no home as special as Louisville around this time of year. So I wanted to let everyone know why I miss my hometown so bad today and why you should visit during derby season.

Pink and White Game

If you arent from Louisville then you probably don't know what I'm talking about. Pink and white if four schools, Assumption, Sacred Heart, Trinity, and Saint Xavier, playing Powder Puff football and dancing for a cure to breast cancer. It is extremely competitive between rivals but refreshing to see us all come together for one cause.

Thunder Over Louisville

The biggest firework show in the United States! It is one of the most electric experiences you can have. It is also a great way to bond with your community as they are all gathered in the same place.

The Balloon Glow

A beautiful and fun thing to see. The huge Air balloons light up in the dark supporting the Derby festival!

Derby Parties

One word: Amazing. You never know who you will run into from a close friend to an A list celebrity. The fun is unmeasurable, my favorite is unbridled Eve, which is the night after the Oaks race.


Deby season tends to bring out the best chefs in Louisville. the food is unmatched and a unique experience everywhere you go.

Good weather, sometimes

Weather in Louisville is tricky but when it is good, it is amazing. It is perfect to explore the nature and community of Louisville


There is so much to do in downtown Louisville. 4th Street Live has fun concerts and there are fun activities scatted throughout the area.


The local's race. This race is full of fun and you usually go with all of your friends. The tickets are reasonable and you can get the full experience of derby without the high price point.


The Best Two minutes in sports! Known worldwide this race is addicting to keep up with and watch. The culture surrounding it is amazing and everyone should see it.


The Derby Season is surrounded by unique traditions which makes it so special. If you have the chance to go, immerse yourself into the ways of derby. Thurby is one of the most important days.

Louisville has many fun traditions but derby season is my favorite. To me it is better than Christmas, I love my hometown and miss it most this time of year.

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