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Sad Songs to Cry Your Heart Out To

No, nobody left the onions out. These songs are just real tearjerkers.

Stocksnap via Piaxbay.com

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Throughout life, we cry. Tears of joy are more favorable; However, a sad cry is sometimes needed. It's nice to cry it out sometimes. I made this collection for people who want new ways to express how they feel and maybe let out a little bit. It's incredibly important. I encourage you to seek help if it is an emergency. There is help out there for any issue you're facing. These songs have been used by many, including myself, to relate and helped others cope with their problems.

This list has brought together many different artists from various genres. Some songs contain sensitive subjects, so listen at your own discretion. Hopefully, you'll get lost in the music enough to get through whatever is troubling you. Maybe, you'll have a new sad jam for the next disaster (fingers crossed that doesn't happen soon). So without further ado, here is a collection of the finest devastating tunes to get your optical waterfalls bawling.

"Miserable at Best"- Mayday Parade

Sadness: Breakups

"Hurt"- Johnny Cash

"Brother"- Falling in Reverse

Sadness: Lost of a loved one

"Cancer"- My Chemical Romance

Sadness: Terminal Illness

"Brenda's Got A Baby"- 2Pac

Sadness: Tragedy

" Make It Stop (September's Children) "- Rise Against

Sadness: Suicide

"Suicidal Thoughts"- The Notorious B.I.G.

Sadness: Depression, Suicide

"One in the Chamber"- Famous Last Words

Sadness: Suicide, Depression

"Snuff"- Slipknot

Sadness: Heartbrake

"Stole"- Kelly Rowland

Sadness: Suicide, Depression

"I Won't Say That I'm Okay"- Front Porch Step

Sadness: Loss of a loved one

"Whiskey Lullaby"- Brad Paisley

Sadness: Addiction

"Wake Me Up (When September Ends)"- Green Day

Sadness: Loss of loved one, tragedy

"Lazarus"- David Bowie

"Terrible Things"- Mayday Parade

Sadness: Heartbreak, loss of loved one

"Untitled( How Could This Happen To Me?)- Simple Plan

"1-800-273-8255"- Logic

"So Far Away"- Avenged Sevenfold

"Melancholy"- Iced Earth

"The Ghost of You"- My Chemical Romance

"Angel's Son"- Sevendust

Sadness: Loss of loved one

"Where'd You Go"- Fort Minor

"Wish You Were Here"- Pink Floyd

Sadness: Loss of loved one

"Adam's Song"- Blink-182

Sadness: Suicide, Depression

So, did you make it out alive? Did tears fall? I hope you found this list helpful. Maybe, you found that you aren't as alone as you feel. No matter what you're going through, remember you can talk to others. Your feelings are valid and you can find help. Don't forget the tissues next time. What's your sad jam? What songs helped you cope through life?

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