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5 Jonas Brothers Songs For Every Mood

Even when you're not feeling so "Cool."

5 Jonas Brothers Songs For Every Mood

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Freshman year is coming to a close, summer is around the corner, and the Jonas Brothers just announced their first US tour since splitting in 2013. Everything seems to be falling into place.

In light of the Jonas Brothers unbelievable return, along with their exciting new album and tour, I thought I would provide a list of their songs that seem to perfectly capture every mood. Whether the mood be happy, heartbroken, nostalgic, exhilarated, or in love, the Jonas Brothers have a song to celebrate or to rid of the feeling on your chest.


The title alone captures the overall feeling of this song: being in love. In this song, the brothers confess their feelings for certain love interests, expressing how they felt so "speechless" and "breathless" when they heard their love's voice over the phone or when they "kissed her for the first time yesterday." What I enjoy most about listening to this Jonas Brothers single is that you are able to savor the slow beginning, and before you realize it, the melody boosts to a loud, instrumental tune that makes you want to ultimately scream the lyrics at the top of your lungs. This song relishes in the tenderhearted feeling of being hopelessly in love with someone, but it also makes for a fantastic jam to sing as loud as you want in your car. Do as you wish.


i wanted to include this song due to the fact that it's extremely underrated. Every time I hear "Sorry" on my Spotify Playlist, I instantly begin to ponder past relationships, and perhaps think about all of the things I could have done differently. This apologetic, heart-wrenching track on the Jonas Brothers album A Little Bit Longer is a song dedicated to apologies and reminiscing over the "last goodbyes" and "restless nights." Apologizing for all of the broken promises and begging their love to stay. Truly, the lyrics admirably resemble the feeling of having to let someone you love go. You feel like a total mess, and the only word that bears resemblance to how broken and regretful you feel is "sorry."

"That's Just The Way We Roll"

Out of all the songs the Jonas Brothers have released, this particular track continues to be the one to turn my bad days around. With its upbeat melody, and a message to keep dreaming, this uplifting, spontaneous song is perfect to listen to when you're feeling down on yourself, or perhaps when you feel on top of the world. When I was younger, and the Jonas Brothers were the heartthrobs of middle school, my friends and I would scream this song out the car windows and inside our poster-covered rooms, and I believe it's why I continue to hold onto this track. It has been the foundation of many memories from my childhood.

"A Little Bit Longer"

If I'm being completely honest, the first time I heard this sorrowful tune, I cried my eyes out for hours. Since I first discovered the Jonas Brothers, Nick has ultimately landed the spot of my favorite Jonas, so when he wrote this song about his diabetes diagnosis, and I learned about all of his pains and low points during the stages of his diagnosis, my 8-year-old heart couldn't take it.

However, now, when I listen to this song, I find myself delving into the struggles of my own life. During my lowest of lows, this song reminds me that I'm not alone, but also that it takes time to heal from personal hardships and setbacks. I love one of the key lines of the song that says, "A little bit longer and I'll be fine" because I think at first Nick questions if he's going to be okay, but by the end of the song, the lyrics display his thoughts that truly signify his belief that, with time, he's going to feel better.


The lyrics of this song demonstrate the struggle of having feelings for someone, and growing excited for what's to come in a potential relationship, but that individual doesn't reciprocate the same emotions. Without a doubt, everyone has grown a liking to someone who didn't share the same level of affection, and the pain of that reality can be damaging to a person's opinion about themselves. "What's wrong with me?" or "Why am I so unlikeable?" are thoughts that have ran through my mind as I've tried to accept the reality of a crush not feeling the same way. I catch myself questioning my looks or my personality, when really there's no reason to change myself for the benefit of someone else.

This uptempo song reminds me that I shouldn't wait around for someone to change their heart for me; instead, I should find someone who equally reciprocates the same affections I feel for them. Even more so, I grow more relieved when I listen to "Shelf" because I know I'm not the only person who has ever felt the sting of rejection.

I genuinely hope these songs spark some hope and/or positivity into your day. The Jonas Brothers never fail to accurately demonstrate a wide-range of emotions. Whether it's the pain of heartbreak, feeling misheard, handling pain, both mental and physical, or having a true sense of happiness, the Jonas Brothers are true geniuses when it comes to stirring the thunderous emotions of others.

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