Like most English majors, I chose the subject as my major because it is something I know I'm good at and have a passion for. Since beginning my studies in college, I've already gotten a taste of what English offers, in literature, writing, editing, and everything in between. I have never doubted my decision, but there are times when all of the class-assigned reading overwhelms me. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love reading, writing, and I'm working hard in school to better myself as a student. Here is a list of the triumphs and struggles all English majors can relate to.
1. You die a little inside when people still can't distinguish the difference between there, their, and they're.
2. You find yourself searching for any hint of hidden meaning or symbolism in just about EVERYTHING.
Don't even get me started on what a MASTERPIECE Get Out is. Jordan Peele is a genius.
3. Let's face it. You have a book hoarding problem.
You know what they say -- the first step is admitting you have a problem...a problem that you're probably not going to fix. If you're like me, you justify it by saying, "At least I'm not a cocaine addict. There's that."