8 Life Hacks You Need to Know
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8 Life Hacks Necessary To Fix Your Everyday Struggles

Check out some of my favorite substitutes and alternatives to fix your little problems!

8 Life Hacks Necessary To Fix Your Everyday Struggles

Recently, I have noticed the trending pages on social media that are dedicated to life hacks. What is a "life hack" you may ask? Well, it's exactly what it sounds like - hacking your own life. Clearly, life is not computer generated, so you can't manipulate or change any codes, but you can find substitutes and alternative solutions to fix everyday problems. Many, many times have I found myself endlessly scrolling through these pages, reading all of these so-called "hacks". They're actually helpful, and the majority I have seen really do work. I have now taken it upon myself to create my own little list of life hacks.

1. No more shaving cream?

I am guilty of using up all the shaving cream and completely forgetting to replace it. I can't stand shaving without some type of moisturizer. Using just plain water has not always worked well for me. So, what do I do when I need shaving cream? I use conditioner, baby oil, or coconut oil! Each product works to make skin silky smooth. Shaving with the products also helps the razor comfortably glide over skin just like shaving cream! My advice would just be careful you don't slip if you use oils.

2. Want to prevent blisters?

Blisters are the worst! But, wearing cute shoes feels like a must. How about a quick fix? All you have to do is get any type of chapstick. Rub the chapstick on the back of your ankles, or wherever the shoes rub up against you. Because the chapstick is a smooth, slippery substance, your shoes will glide on your skin as you move and not irritate it.

3. Dirty hair?

Almost everyone has made the simple mistake of putting to much product in their hair, or touching their hair too much to the point where it gets greasy. It's easy as well as efficient to just go shower, but when issues like this come up last minute and your dinner date is at 6 and it is 5:30 then washing your hair is out of question. Dry shampoo is always helpful, but what if you don't have dry shampoo? Don't rush out of your house to go to your nearest drugstore to buy dry shampoo. Instead, use baby powder. Carefully put a small amount of baby powder in the palm of your hand. Then put it on the top of your head. Pat and rub it in until it is no longer visible. The baby powder minimizes the grease making your hair look clean!

4. Emergency Information

Keep a card or even a piece of paper in your wallet. Fill it with your medical information such as blood type, allergies, emergency contact information, and if you are on any medications. If something horrible were to happen to you and you needed help, having this in your wallet could save your life.

5. Car Too hot?

We all know how hot a car can get in the summer. Trying to drive in a car that has been sitting out in the sun all day is not only frustrating because it is hot, but because touching anything in the car is painful. We all need to use the shifter. If you drive stick then you need to use your shifter much more than what you would in an automatic. Use a coozie to cover your shifter in the car. This will prevent the sun from hitting it. When you go to drive it will not burn your hand.

6. Forgetful?

I use this hack all the time whether it be for school, or everyday task. Go to notes in your phone. Make a list of everything you need to get done. Then, screenshot the list and set it as your lock screen. Every time you open your phone you'll see the list. This helps you to be able not to forget anything.

7. Need Calcium?

Vitamins are important. We should all make sure that we get a good amount of them everyday. To improve your calcium intake you should eat eggshell powder! I know you're reading this and thinking…"what exactly is this list telling me to do?" Instead of throwing away your eggshells, save them. Place them in the oven, letting them bake on 300 degrees for 20 minutes. When they're done toss them in a blender. Let them blend until they are now a powder. Keep all of it and use ¼ teaspoon when you cook. You won't be able to taste it, but you get all the calcium!

8. Looking for your cat?

If your cat gets loose place their litter box on your porch. The cat is able to smell the scent of its own litter box from a mile away.The cat would be able to follow the scent home!

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