6. Keiynan Lonsdale | The Odyssey Online
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10 LGBTQ+ Artists To Check Out In Preparation For Pride

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10 LGBTQ+ Artists To Check Out In Preparation For Pride

Pride is still a month away, but it is never to early to start celebrating. While some people are into having big celebrations, some people would rather find more subtle ways to celebrate.

This list is for anyone who wants to contribute to Pride but does not want to make a big show of things. By checking out the music by some of the artists on this list, you can contribute to the support of the LGBTQ+ community, and enjoy some great music while you are doing it!

1. Janelle Monae

Some may recognize her from her stunning MET Gala look. Others may recognize her from her astounding performance in "Moonlight." However, Janelle Monae can mostly be found busting out some killer tunes. Janelle identifies as bisexual and uses her influence to support the LGBTQ+ community. She is truly a trailblazer and a personal inspiration of mine. I recommend her songs "Tightrope" and "Make Me Feel."

2. Ryan Beatty

Voice of angel? Check. Incredible songs? Check. Amazing lyrics? Check. Ryan Beatty has got it all if you ask me. If you were looking for songs to uplift you or just to brighten your day, look no further. 10/10 would recommend. I specifically recommend his songs "Powerslide" and "God in Jeans."

3. Kim Petras

Born in Germany but now based out of L.A., Kim Petras has been captivating listeners since she first started releasing music in 2011. Her following keeps growing, and I am here talking about her to ensure that she keeps growing. Her songs are incredibly fun and catchy and a must for any Pride celebration. I personally recommend her songs "All the Time" and "Heart to Break."

4. Troye Sivan

I almost have nothing to say here. If you aren't listening to Troye Sivan, then what are you even doing? Beginning on YouTube, Troye Sivan has grown to be one of the biggest pop stars of 2018, teaming up with artists such as Ariana Grande and Lauv. It's hard for me to pick only a few of his songs to mention here since I regard his discography as one of the best around, but if I had to, I would say to definitely check out "Lucky Strike" and "EASE."

5. Hayley Kiyoko

Hayley is one of the few artists (actually the only one) on this list that I have had the pleasure of seeing live, and if the opportunity presents itself, I highly recommend you doing so as well. I have been a fan of Hayley Kiyoko since her Disney days and have followed her to her present music career where she has been dubbed "Lesbian Jesus." I can confirm that this title is, in fact, true. I recommend her songs "Molecules" and "Curious."

6. Keiynan Lonsdale

Keiynan Lonsdale is a multi-talented artist. He can be found playing Bram in the 2018 rom-com "Love, Simon" or focusing on his dance career. But he also shines musically and has developed a successful music career after he first starting releasing songs in 2015. I recommend his songs "Preach" and "Good Life."

7. King Princess

A king and a princess? Sign me up. King Princess has only quite recently started releasing music, with her first single coming out in 2018. However, I can say with absolute certainty that not a single song she has released since then has ever disappointed. Her music definitely belongs on all of your Pride playlists. I recommend the songs "1950" and "Holy."

8. Years & Years

Years & Years is a London-based band led by their enigmatic vocalist Olly Alexander. They released their first album in 2015 and since then, their career has only gone up. Their songs are truly unique, and they are constantly advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. They will even be playing at a few Pride festivals this year, so if you plan on heading out to such festivals, I recommend checking out their music. I recommend starting with the songs "Real" and "Karma."


REYNA is the name of sister team Vic and Gabby Banuelos. Their name REYNA is a play on the Spanish word for "queen" -- and queens they are. Now that you know their names, it's time to check out their music. Their fresh and fun pop music will have you smiling from ear to ear from the first second you turn it on. If you are looking for something to lift your spirits I would recommend the songs "Heartbeat" and "Cool With It."

10. Kevin McHale

I don't know if any of you watched "Glee," but when Spotify notified me that Artie from "Glee" started releasing music, I just about had a heart attack. You don't have to watch "Glee" to enjoy Kevin McHale's music, however, as his songs are a true bop. Right now he only has two songs out, but it's never to early to get a head start on becoming an avid fan. Check out his song "Help Me Now," you won't regret it!

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