Seattle's big snow storm
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6 Lessons I've Learned From Seattle's Snowmageddon

The Seattle freeze is real.

6 Lessons I've Learned From Seattle's Snowmageddon

From epic school closures to hundreds of flight cancellations — Snowmageddon took no prisoners in Washington. Like an ultimate game of freeze tag, it blustered through Seattle and the surrounding Puget sound areas — putting everyone's lives on pause. Things that normally wouldn't have happened — happened: Snow reached record heights, delivery trucks jack-knifed, grocery stores emptied, and power outages left thousands in the dark. In North Bend — where the snow reached 16 to 24 inches, the Washington National Guard was called to help save a man trapped in his home located down a snowed-in drive way. It's been an unusually rough couple of weeks so far for Washingtonians. But through the storm I've learned some very valuable lessons:

1. Always be prepared --- stock up on groceries early.

Grocery Store

I will never wait the day before a storm hits to buy groceries again. During Snowmageddon, parking spaces were almost non-existent and the lines of nearly every grocery store spilled down the aisles. Soccer moms fought over the few remaining carts. As children (and possibly cashiers) pondered if the world was coming to an end.

2. Sleep is your best friend --- and worst enemy.

Bed with natural light

Being snowed in for these past two weeks has allowed me to enjoy some of the best sleep of my college career. In addition to a daily 8-hour rest — I've also been able to get in a few power naps. But I've learned if you sleep too much you can miss out on the winter wonderland that awaits outdoors. Or procrastinate on your assignments. So it's best to keep one's schedule in tact and set an alarm.

3. Many Western Washingtonians can't drive --- especially in snow.

Snow covered road

Videos of sliding cars on icy hills and slick streets in Seattle can be found on YouTube. While those maybe entertaining — what's not funny is the hundreds of car accidents that occurred during Snowmagedden. The main comment from authorities and drivers alike is that too many people were driving too fast for the conditions. Like seriously, people. Slow down.

4. Candles over everything.

Lit candle

As a child, I remember my mom would light vanilla scented candles whenever our went power out. No matter how scary the storm or how cold we felt in the darkness — I'll never forget how the warm glow of the flame and delicious scent always made me feel safe. Whether you prefer wax, soy or flameless have a candle nearby for instant light and security.

5. Have games and activities on deck.

Scrabble game pieces

If you have a candle or lantern handy — you'll find games like Scrabble, Charades, Glow in the dark Air hockey and Cards against Humanity can be fun to play in the dark.

6. Disasters really do bring people together.

Hands with words of uniting on them

I work part-time at Safeway and am fortunate to have a manager who cares about employees. When the heavy snow hit and everyone began making calls, my manager drove people to work. Even my co-workers who weren't fond of him were appreciative. Throughout the week, I heard stories of people checking in on seniors, neighbors sharing food, strangers helping others dig out stuck vehicles and temporary homeless shelters opening up around the area. Proof positive that Snowmageddon may have chilled our bodies — but it hasn't frozen our hearts.

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