Any genuine person can agree that these are "trends" we must get over in the new year.
1. Men thinking they have control over women's choices
2. And their bodies
3. Dress codes
4. Because our bodies (both men and women's) are a canvas and you can dress your canvas how you want to
5. Using the R-word like it's okay
6. Which it's not, no matter what context you use it in
7. Slut Shaming
8. Skinny or fat shaming
9. Judging others in general
11. Such as the way they dress
12. The way that they talk
13. The way that they study or practice anything from religion to school work
14. Telling men that they aint shit
15. Because this isn't fair to men
16. And women wouldn't like it if men told them something similar in context
17. Because men and women are the shit
18. Cheating. Leave this in 2018.
19. From exams to your partner, leave your cheating trait behind
20. Shit-talking
21. Because this doesn't make anybody feel good about themselves
22. Lying
23. I shouldn't have to say anything more about this
24. The idea that people are objects
25. Not just women, but every body
26. This includes immigrants
27. And our president
28. They are all people, not objects deserving of hate, assault, and cruelty
29. The idea that men and women are equal
30. Because we aren't
31. Our creator made women to do the things men can't do and men to do the things women can't do
31. Therefore, we are not equal
32. But we are equally useful and purposeful in society
33. The idea that children don't have a voice
34. Because they do, we just don't give them the chance to show it
35. The idea that anxiety and other mental disorders define a person
36. A good way to gain insight on this is to practice saying something such as "My son has depression" instead of "my depressed son"
47. This way you are not using someone's illness to literally define them
48. The idea that being nice costs nothing
49. Because it can cost you relationships and opportunities if you are "too nice"
50. And result in you getting used
51. But, despite this, please be a nice person in 2019
52. The general idea that you are not worthy
53. Because I promise you, you are
54. The idea that fresh starts have to wait until Monday
55. Because a fresh start, starts today