These last couple of months I've been trying to get healthy after the very dreaded freshman 15 (it ain't no joke). And from a fellow lazy girl, here are some of the struggles and thoughts I have had while working out.
1. “What did I just get myself into?”
When you are holding that plank for 30 seconds and it becomes eternal and you start questioning why you are putting yourself through this.
2. “I wonder what I’m going to eat after this”
Two words. Food = motivation. But the struggle is real. Your mind is telling you healthy but your heart is telling you to treat yo'self.
3. “I need new gym clothes”
You're a sweaty mess after your workout and you realize that it's the only workout outfit you own. Another excuse to do a little shopping.
4. ”Who knew I had a muscle there?”
You know when your doing that workout video and you're in a super awkward exercise position and all of sudden some muscle starts burning that you didn't even realize existed? #feeltheburn
5. "I’m going to be sore tomorrow"
What tomorrow's workout is going to look like with the soreness you feel.
6. “I hope my neighbors don’t get annoyed with these burpees”
So I workout in my apartment. On the second floor. And them workout videos have a so many burpees, that I'm surprised I haven't gotten any noise complaints.
7. “Let me take a lil break”
Your 2 minutes into the video and an out of breath sweaty mess, so the only thing you can think to do is pause the video…. Forever. Ok maybe not forever but just for a sec.
8. “Do it for the workout selfie”
That motivation you have to share your workout selfie with your exercise group gets you a long way.
9. “ I better have abs after this”
Expecting results after one 10-minute workout. Trust me, I wish it worked like that too.
The struggle is real but we you got this! Don't give up on being your healthiest self.