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Las Vegas: As Told Through 12 Observations Made By A Southerner

Y'all got some crazy people.

Las Vegas: As Told Through 12 Observations Made By A Southerner
Photo by James Walsh on Unsplash

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So, this week I packed my bags with my family and headed to the desert, more specifically, Las Vegas. I don't know what I was expecting, but this was not it.

1. The show girls/guys on the street.

Just... wow. Every time I would walk down the street, I would see these ladies with wilder feathers on their back and only tassels to cover their boobs. They were there for people to take pictures with. I mean, as a girl from a small town in Georgia, I was taken aback by the freedom they have. Also, the guys on the street with no shirts on, completely ripped, getting pictures with girls too. When they asked me if I wanted to get a picture, all I could say was "uhh" and walk away.

2. The dryness.

Where the heck is the humidity?! My eyes are dry, my legs are ashy, and my hair is not getting greasy. It's so weird. It's hot, but.... not hot. It's not SOUTHERN heat.

3. The smell of weed.... everywhere.

Walking down the street? Smell weed. Looking at a billboard? Weed advertisements. Walking into a casino? Smell weed. I'm not judging the people who smoke it, and you know it's legal here because it is a scent that you will definitely smell.

4. Nobody has manners.

Maybe it's because I'm from the south. We are taught to say please, thank you, sorry, excuse me, and sir/ma'am. Somebody bumped into me, and I said sorry, just because I'm wilder, and they didn't even apologize or say excuse me. I was kind of offended? I say thank you when somebody opens the door for me or gives me my food or something, and nobody else around me does. Where are the manners?!

5. Where is the grass?

There's a couple of trees here and there, but no grass!! And where there is grass, it's dead or brown. And yes, I know it's a desert, but lay down some grass or something.

No bugs.

I think I've seen one or two gnats as I've been here, but that is it. Literally, there are no bugs in Las Vegas. My brother sent me a Snapchat of a cockroach and I was amazed. Maybe it's because there's no grass. Plant some grass!!!!

7. The hotel themes.

I stayed in Paris while in Las Vegas, but visited New York, New York, and Caesar's Palace. The hotels here are incredible, and the themes are so funny to me. Like, I'm in Vegas, but I'm also in Paris. I posted a picture of the Eiffel Tower on my Snapchat and confused so many people.

8. Casinos. Everywhere.

As I walked into the lobby of my hotel, boom, a casino. Every single hotel I've been into here has a casino. That's so crazy to me. I've also figured out being 18 in Vegas sucks, because I cannot gamble, and can't even watch people gamble.

9. Oddly, there's a lot of old people.

When thinking about Vegas, I think of wild parties and gambling and drugs. What I don't picture is the elderly riding around on their electric scooters in casinos playing the slots or wheeling around the street. And those guys are vicious, they will run you over without blinking. They low key scare me.

10. There's no sweet tea.

I figured this would happen, but it's still sad to see it happen. I live off of sweet tea and going more than two days without it is torture. Las Vegas, if you're reading this, please get more sweet tea.

11. The drunk people.

So much alcohol in Las Vegas. I saw people drinking at 8 a.m. Not like mimosas or morning drinks, but hardcore drinks that should only be drunk at midnight at a club, not at breakfast with your family. Meanwhile, I was drinking water the whole time because it was so dry!!

12. The alarming number of kids.

No offense, but I don't see Las Vegas as a very fun family vacation for the whole family. Personally, think Disney would be more fun experience for an 8-year-old kid, but to each their own.

Life is crazy, but Las Vegas is even wilder. Stay safe and have fun kids.

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