Laminate Kitchen Cabinets Pros and Cons | The Odyssey Online
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Laminate Kitchen Cabinets Pros and Cons

SNIMAY was founded in 2003, located in panyu area, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province. Its has whole house customization system, kitchen, smart windows, doors, custom furniture and wooden door system, provide the home is tasted.

Laminate cabinets are cheap wholesale custom cabinets that are covered with a plastic-like layer called laminate. Laminate cabinets usually have a glossy shine to them that makes the cabinet feel at home in a modern or transitional-style kitchen.

Pros of laminate cabinets

Both high pressure and low pressure laminates are able to withstand extreme amounts of heat and moisture, protecting their inner wooden core from damage. If you're using laminate for best quality cabinets, you probably use a lot of heat and steam in your cooking.

High end custom cabinets are also much easier to clean than wood, with the plastic-like laminate cabinet film allowing you to wipe dirt right off. It's near-impossible to stain a laminate cabinet, assuming that the laminate film is in good condition.

Finally, laminate is also quite scratch-resistant and tends to last a long time. However, it can peel away and need replacing as it weakens over time. The cost of laminate cabinets is quite low, but that's because their cores are normally made from cheaper woods that aren't very durable.

Cons of laminate cabinets

Damage: Despite their durability, laminate kitchen cabinets are prone to damage. Because the laminate is pressed together, it may start to lift. Additionally, thermofoil cabinets can be sensitive to excess heat and moisture, so it is best to keep this in mind when thinking about placement.

Repair: Once damaged, laminate kitchen cabinets are difficult to repair. If you get a deep cut or crack on your cabinet door, your best option is to replace it as it is impossible to repair.

Resale Value: If you're looking to add value to your home, you better off going with solid wood kitchen cabinets. Due to the low cost and easy access to laminate, it does not add to your home's resale value.

Now that you've decided on laminate cabinetry, you need to choose the best type of laminates for your kitchen, and here are a few of our favorite options:

Matte Finish: For a moderate reflectiveness and a consistent, standard finish, go with a matte finish laminate. Not only does this type of laminate give your kitchen an elegant look, but it is also resistant to scratches and dust.

Gloss Finish: With a mirror-like sheen, gloss finish laminate will give you a luxurious look and feel to your kitchen. It also adds a brightness by reflecting light like no other cabinetry. Gloss finishes are great for small or dark kitchens.

Textured: Add depth and dimension to your kitchen with textured laminate cabinets. Textured laminates simulate the look and feel of various materials, including raw silk, solid wood, and stone.

Solid Color: Add some color to your kitchen with multi-colored laminates. Whether you opt for one or more colors, these types of cabinets add vibrancy to your kitchen.

Metal Finish: For a sleek, modern look, consider a laminate with a metallic finish. This type of laminate adds a richness and high-end look that'll have your guest in awe. You can get this laminate in colors like silver, copper, and rose gold.

Laminate Kitchen Cabinets Pros and Cons

Both high pressure and low pressure laminates are able to withstand extreme amounts of heat and moisture, protecting their inner wooden core from damage. If you're using laminate for best quality cabinets, you probably use a lot of heat and steam in your cooking.

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