Kyle Earned $600 Million After Selling 51% Of Her Company
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Kylie Sold 51 Percent Of Kylie Cosmetics For $600M, Here's How She Should Use It Instead Of Upping Her Net Worth

And I'm not talking about buying a new Chanel wardrobe AND a Lamborghini.

Kylie Sold 51 Percent Of Kylie Cosmetics For $600M, Here's How She Should Use It Instead Of Upping Her Net Worth

Kylie Jenner announced that she is partnering with Coty Inc., the same company that owns CoverGirl and Clairol, and selling 51 percent of Kylie Cosmetics and Kylie Skin for $600 million. $600 million is A LOT of money and just adds to Kylie's net worth, which is estimated to be about $1 billion. She could just add that new $600 million to her net worth right off the bat, or she could do something better with the extra cash she has in her pocket. Here are five ways she could use that "extra money" for good.

1. Donate to Alpha House of Tampa

This is a lesser-known charity in Florida that helps pregnant women in crisis and their families, offering maternity and post-birth transitional housing, education and counseling, parenting and life-skills training, vocational training and assistance. Kylie was blessed to be born into a wealthy family and has given birth to her daughter into a family that lacked nothing, so donating to struggling mothers deserves to be number one on this list.

2. Support the Innocence Project

@innocenceproject on Instagram

Kylie's older sister, Kim Kardashian West, has made headway in helping free innocent people from jail. If Kylie chooses not to go the direct route and get a law apprenticeship like Kim, then she can donate to the Innocence Project and help them free those wrongfully convicted.

3. Donate to the Thirst Project and JUST Water

The Thirst Project was late actor Cameron Boyce's organization that he favored and worked with a lot, so when he passed away this summer, TP really shot up with donations from his fans. JUST Water is Jaden Smith's water company that has helped the people of Flint, Michigan, and he's done really well with it. Kylie has a large fanbase, so why not contribute to an organization that does so much good for those who can't drink fresh water daily like her?

4. Donate to Environmental Working Group

@kourtneykardashian on Instagram

Kylie's oldest sister, Kourtney Kardashian, has worked with EWG in the past and helped lobby on the Hill for better and healthier items in consumer homes. Given that Kylie is sending products into her fans' homes, I think that donating and picking up a few pointers from EWG and Kourtney's work will do her good moving forward.

5. Donate to Center for Creative Education

The purpose of CCE is to help educate children through the arts. As a creative person, I believe that it is really important to encourage the arts in schools because some children use it as an escape from whatever they go through at home or they just are really good at it.

There are countless other charities and organizations that Kyle could donate her money to, and I'm not just talking about the extra cash she's getting from this deal. Kylie could also invest her money into companies, like the Environmental Working Group, and use that to help better her brand. She could create scholarships for students on a financial-aid basis. There's so much she could do and she doesn't need to feel limited to the five I've listed.

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