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15 Jonas Brothers Songs To Get Your Heartbroken 12-Year-Old Self Through Nick Jonas Tying The Knot

The best, and final, Jobro is off the market so you could say that my 12-year-old self is naturally dying inside.

15 Jonas Brothers Songs To Get Your Heartbroken 12-Year-Old Self Through Nick Jonas Tying The Knot

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Nick Jonas just got married to actress, Priyanka Chopra.

So, it's official, all of our childhood dreams are crushed.

If you're like me and loved the Jonas Brothers then you were devastated when he announced his engagement and now he's officially off the market.

Despite the tragedy, I've compiled a handy list to use when you're in your feels about your childhood crush being ruthlessly taken by the gorgeous Priyanka.

Plus, you can look through the list and enjoy all of the Nick Jonas gifs — it's basically a win-win situation.



"I'm about to freak, come and rescue me," the words from Paranoid that I'd sing to Nick Jonas since exams coming up.

"Fly With Me"


"If it's you and me forever. If it's you and me right now. That'd be alright," a text that I would send to Nick Jonas to get him to propose.

"Before the Storm (feat. Miley Cyrus)"


"Cause I would leave you alone. Flooded with all this pain," is me actually talking about Nick getting married.

"Burnin' Up"

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"Baby you turn the temperature hotter. Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby," this is what goes through my head whenever I see pictures of Nick.


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"I can't get your smile out of my mind, I think about your eyes all the time," what my childhood self said when I was seeing Nick Jonas in concert for the first time.

"Video Girl"

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"Oh my gosh, did you hear I'm dating a Jonas Brother. It's so hot." The words that I wish would be true instead of all of the Jonas Brothers being happily married.

"A Little Bit Longer"

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"A little bit longer and I'll be fine" is me talking about my sadness when it comes to Nick tying the knot.


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"Now my heart's in two and I can't find the other half" is me telling my bff that I'm heartbroken once I found out that Nick was actually getting married.

"Hold On"


"When you love someone and they break your heart. Don't give up on love" is what my friends tell me when it comes to ~eventually~ moving on from my celebrity crush.

"That's Just The Way We Roll"

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"You got moves. I've got shoes. Let's go dancing" is me trying to get Nick to go dancing with me. *Wink wink*

"When You Look Me In The Eyes"

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"When you look me in the eyes. And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright."

This is probably what Priyanka tells him...

"Year 3000"

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"He told me he built a time machine like one in a film I've seen, yeah."

Honestly, I wish that I could build one and go back to when the Jonas Brothers were still a band and were all single.

"Pom Poms"

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"I want you on my team." I'd say this to Nick in hopes that he would get the hint.

"Play My Music"

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"There's no faking. What you feel." What I have to remind my friends and family when I remind them how much I love the Jonas Brothers.

"Hello Beautiful"

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"Hello, beautiful. How's it going?"

The simple phrase that I will always wish for any of the Jonas Brothers to say to me.

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