How Is All Of This Real? | The Odyssey Online
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How Is All Of This Real?

There are so many times that I wake up and have no idea how I got where I am.

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Personal Photo

To start this whole thing off, let me just say that I feel extremely blessed to even be able to write this, but this is really hard and it may not make a lick of sense, so bare with me.

When I get up in the mornings, I know that I'm a young college girl who is loving the flipping dream. I have a majority of my school paid for, no debt, a nice house, healthcare, a darling family, some true gems of best friends, and my dream job. I'm not even 25 yet and I feel extremely overwhelmed with gratitude.

Why does God continue to bless me like He does and I do not deserve any of it?

This question keeps me up at night, often.

I try so hard to use each of my roles to bless Him, but none of it makes sense. I am so unworthy of even just one of my blessings, just one, but yet He allows me to take part in it.

There are some days where I feel like it is not me and I am simply living in His world, which is totally okay with me.

Now do not get me wrong, I have worked very hard in my short little life for all of my accomplishments, which I am proud of, but it still baffles me. Why does God love me enough to bless me over and over again?

I have endured tough times in my life but I have always been well taken care of have never truly suffered through major hardships like so many I this harsh world have. The Gospel has brought me through so much and I am eternally grateful that God chides to send His only Son not only for me but for everyone.

The days when I feel extremely overwhelmed and confused by my life, I try to just take a step back and see the big picture. The Lord has and continues to bless me because He knows that my purpose is not satisfied yet. There is still so much left to be done for His Kingdom and I will not stop until He calls me home.

He has provided opportunities for me to take part in and some to say no to in an effort to bring me closer to Him. He is sovereign and perfect in everything that He does. He reminds continuously that He is real and therefore this is all real.

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