Interview With Your 2015-2016 National American Miss Teen
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Interview With Your 2015-2016 National American Miss Teen

National American Miss Teen, Micheala Jacobs

Interview With Your 2015-2016 National American Miss Teen

National American Miss is a pageant aimed to encourage and empower young women all over the country. One winner from each state is selected to go on and compete at the national competition in California! This past year the winner was Florida native, Michaela Jacobs! With only a couple weeks left of her reign, Michaela has graced us with an interview all about herself, her year as queen and her plans for the future! Over this past year I have had the honor to meet and get to know this beautiful young women and feel truly blessed to share with you all a small part of her big heart!

I'll start by letting you introduce yourself, who are you and where are you from?

I am Michaela Jacobs, the reigning National American Miss Teen! I'm 18 years old and from Pensacola, FL, the Western Gate to the Sunshine State ☀️

How did you get started with NAM?

I got my start with National American Miss in January of 2015 when I received an invitation to an Open Call information session. I attended the session, took a leap of faith to participate, and the rest is history!

Tell us about your state pageant and thoughts going through your head during the finale.

My state pageant was an absolute dream. The weekend was absolutely unforgettable. Being my first pageant experience, it exceeded my greatest expectations. As I walked away with the Miss Florida Teen title, my only thoughts were of utmost gratitude. I grasped more in that moment than ever the importance of a support system to encourage you and equip you to realize your potential and to reach your goals. I could not have won my state title without the multitude supporters that I am so blessed to have.

What were your thoughts going into nationals last year?

As I prepared for the 2015 National Pageant, my thoughts centered around self-acceptance... They had to. I had to realize before I even checked in that my performance was all that I was in control of. I knew that I had prepared to my greatest capacity and thus the results would all be left in the judges' hands. I had come to terms with the fact that I would still be good enough without the National crown... That I still had a purpose in this life, to touch people's souls, and that I could still accomplish that purpose with the Miss Florida title. As we now know however, I was fortunate enough to take the National Teen title, and have been able to touch hundreds of lives as a result. No season of my life has left me more fulfilled than this as the NAM Teen has.

What was the first thing you did after you won NAM teen?

I TOOK A NAP. Ha! No, I wish! Following my crowning, I didn't sleep for a consecutive 72 hours. Yep. I slept on the plane a bit and came home to a week of exams and long nights of tech rehearsals for my show choir's Christmas performance! Phew!!!! It was crazy, but I thrive under pressure.

Throughout the ensuing weeks, I was featured in a local Christmas parade and volunteered frequently with the Ronald McDonald House! The holiday season is always a wonderful time get involved with your community's RMH.

What has been your favorite event you have been to as NAM teen?

My favorite event I've attended as the NAM Teen would have to be the Pensacola Habitat for Humanity Women Build's Kickoff Event. The excitement of that event was thrilling... as teams of women in my hometown discovered we had raised over $70,000 for the home we would then BUILD the following week was an experience like none other. Being apart of something bigger than yourself, that is truly what I have strived for my reign to encompass.

Nationals is just a couple weeks away, how are you feeling?

Can I skip this question??!! Denial, mainly! Haha. I have become so accustomed to my duties and appearances and life as a National Titleholder, relinquishing my position will be no easy task. But I am certain the Teen that will fill my shoes... or crown, I should say will be more than able to carry on the legacy of the National American Miss Teen title.

What's next for you after you give up your title?

I'm not going to lie... That's still a daunting thought for me. I have relished my year as the NAM Teen to the fullest and continue to feel blessed beyond measure to have been chosen to live the life I've been given. The next steps on my path include getting into an internship and back on the STAGE! I am musical theatre actress and have been ITCHING to be back on the stage. I will also be auditioning for collegiate BFA programs next semester.

What advice would you give to the girls getting ready to head to nationals?

Ah, my favorite aspect of being a National Queen... the opportunity to share insight with the next generation of young women looking up to me. I believe the greatest piece of advice I could give girls who will be competing would be to remember their worth. They have qualified for a NATIONAL Pageant, that is no small feat! It will be so easy to become sidetracked by other girls' accomplishments or resumes or wardrobes or what have you... but it's in those moments that they must remember their intrinsic worth. They are worth more than gold and are more precious than jewels. They are called and are special and have the opportunity to share their uniqueness on a National Stage! How exciting is that?! Have fun. Be yourself. Shine YOUR light brightly. Be bold and talk to that girl in rehearsal. Make friendships. Take pictures!!! Savor each moment. And to the next National Queens, pass your knowledge to those watching you. Because they will be. Lead selflessly.

Any final parting thoughts?

Thank you so much for having me, Megan, truly! This was so much such fun. It will always be my greatest honor to share my thoughts on my year of service with National American Miss. I pray they will be a blessing to another in turn!

This may be the last you'll see of the 2015-16 NAM Teen, but Michaela Jacobs is just getting started.

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