An Interview with Abraham Lincoln
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An Interview with Abraham Lincoln

Hosted by Shane and Bob.

An Interview with Abraham Lincoln
Ethan Menzies

*Cue Epic Newsroom Music*

Shane: Hello and welcome to News in Review! I'm your anchor Shane, and this is my co-anchor Bob.

Bob: Hello wonderful Viewers! Have we got lots in store for you! Today I'm going to get a ramp and typewriter *brings typewriter out from under desk* and..

Shane: BOB! Not now! Today's the interview remember?

Bob: Right the interview... *places typewriter back under desk*

Shane: Yes, today we will be doing a new segment where we bring someone relevant through time to present day and interview them about current matters taking place in the country/ the world. This months topic is the new president Donald

Bob: *cough cough*

Shane: Trump.... *glares at Bob, as Bob smirks and purposefully looks away*. Now who we have today is a special guest brought to us all the way from the year 1865, President Abraham Lincoln!

*Cheers and applause*

President Lincoln: *tips hat* Thank you, now may I ask why am I here?

Shane: You were brought here to talk about the New President and some of the policies his administration has been setting. As a president who was bold enough to free the slaves in a time of American civil war, we felt your input was best needed for this situation. Now we understand that before this interview you have been watching footage from all American news outlets since the election and after the inauguration, is that correct sir?

Lincoln: Yes it is

Shane: Excellent, now as a fellow Republican what do you think of how he is acting thus far within the guidelines of president of the United States?

Lincoln: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Shane: Ah so your saying that is rift that is being created has the potential to do great harm, I see. Well Mr. President that makes sense, but what would you tell the citizens who are worried about the actions that he is taking in removing the rights of groups of people; for example: Women, Muslims, and those in the LGBT community?

Lincoln: "If the great American people will only keep their temper, on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts the country will be settled just as surely as all other difficulties of like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted."

Shane: So your saying that everyone needs to keep a calm head in order to rationally come to an adjustment? It is true that the constitution gives the right to protest, and for the citizens to rise up against any government to be tyrannical, but don't you think that this concept of a 'calm resolution' seems to be an idea that is only processed in theory for this occasion?

Lincoln: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew."

Shane: I think I understand, look for new and productive ways of going about bringing change to something that needs to be fixed or changed, while doing it in the most logical manner to get the best result. Interesting. Now one of the current events that happened within the past couple of days is the new president made it so the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is not currently allowed to provide its research on topics, such as the real threat of global warming, to the public. President Lincoln, do you feel this directly inhibits the people from knowledge they should be aware of? Why or Why not?

Lincoln: "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." For that my answer is yes.

Shane: Thank you Mr. President, I'm sure that puts the mind of may people at ease. I just have a few more questions for you. One of which is about the Doomsday Clock, are you at all familiar with it?

Lincoln: No. But anything with the word Doomsday in it is a recipe for disaster.

Shane: Right you are Mr. President. So to explain the Doomsday clock was created first by some of the scientists who worked on The Manhattan Project, which I can't tell you about due to temporal law. "The Bulletin's clock is not a gauge to register the ups and downs of the international power struggle; it is intended to reflect basic changes in the level of continuous danger in which mankind lives in the nuclear age" (Eugene Rabinowitch, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists). Now given that all I can tell you about nuclear weapons is that they are creations of massive destruction, my question is this: Since the appointment of Donald Trump as president of the United States, scientists have moved the clock to two and a half minutes to midnight, being midnight as a symbol for the end of the world, do you say this is a concern for United States citizens? Or could this just be an example of the media jumping to conclusions?

Lincoln: "It is with your aid, as the people, that I think we shall be able to preserve - not the country, for the country will preserve itself, but the institutions of the country - those institutions which have made us free, intelligent and happy - the most free, the most intelligent, and the happiest people on the globe."

Shane: So your saying that at the end of the day no matter what troubles have arisen, we should continue to preserve the things that continue to make us American, that makes sense. Sir, what about the effect of the media?

Lincoln: "He who molds the public sentiment... makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make."

Shane: I see, so continue to think for ourselves and take what the media says as a partial truth. Thank you, and my final question President Lincoln is: Is there anything message you'd like to leave us with?

Lincoln: In light of recent events I think it is important that we as: "Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We, of this Congress and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation." It is our goal then to push forward with honor and our goals true driven.

Shane: And that's all we have time for today, we'd like to thank our guest President Lincoln *points to Lincoln as he stands and bows*, and all of our wonderful viewers!

Bob: *slowly removes typewriter from under desk*


Bob: *puts typewriter under desk again* .....never let me have any fun.

Lincoln: Thank you gentlemen for an excellent interview. Now if you'll escort me to the temporal travel pad, my wife and I have a play to attend to.

*Cue closing news room music*

Authors note: I would first like to say that this is a complete work of fiction and should be taken as such, and in no other manner should it be implied as truthful. The quotations spoken by Abraham Lincoln are historically accurate, and have been documented during the time period before and after he was elected president. It is important to remember that the views expressed within this interview are my own and do not express the thoughts and concerns of anyone else.

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