Time to study or better yet time to procrastinate and watch all the Instagram stories possible until the clock reaches midnight and you realize you have not gotten one thing done. We've all been there tapping through Instagram stories when we have had one of these thoughts that made us question why we continue to watch insta stories.
I can't tap fast enough
Sometimes there are just too many stories and not enough time.
No one cares what overplayed song you're listening toĀ
Seriously, stop we've all heard the song.
Why is this so long?
Why is your entire day videoed on your story?? Do you ever put your phone down?
What are they wearing??
We've all seen people wearing some questionable outfits on insta stories.
No one wants to ask you questions
Please stop posting your questions, just dm them privately to answer them.
What is the relevance of this caption?
Some captions just aren't meant for some images.
You're rich and popular we get itĀ
Stop flaunting your money or popularity we get it already.
Aww that's cute
Every dog and baby pic ever.
Stop reminding me of how single I amĀ
We don't need to be reminded of your engagement or boyfriend every 30 seconds, you love each other we know so stop posting it all the time.
No one cares about some strangers birthday BeckyĀ
Posting a pic or 2 for your friends birthday but 10, come on really Becky?
No one cares about your sponsorsĀ
Seriously stop trying to get us to buy stuff, we're broke.
It's game day, we get itĀ
We know it is game day, it's kind of a national thing, we don't need constant reminders.
So when will we learn to stop watching stories and put our phones down for some time?