To Our First Responders, Our Heroes Without Capes
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To Our First Responders, Our Heroes Without Capes

To anyone who puts this country before themselves in whatever uniform you wear, thank you.

To Our First Responders, Our Heroes Without Capes
Jake Ingle / Unsplash

An electrical mishap causing a house fire, someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night, a car accident head on collision, and much more. All of these incidents are so unfortunate but all have one thing in common: the contacting of First Responders.

For anyone who is unaware, a First Responder is someone trained to handle an emergency in a quick and professional manner. To name a few, but not limited to, is a Police Officer, EMS driver, Paramedic, Fireman, and the US Military.

When I was a kid, we went on school field trips to visit the police station, fire department, and other places to see potential career ideas. They explained to us, in an emergency situation to dial 911 and a dispatcher will hear your story and send help your way.

So many of my fellow classmates decided then to become a Police Officer, Fireman, or a Paramedic. Today, I fear and worry for every single one of them.

We live in a world where instead of looking at those said careers as heroes and our safety leaders, there are people in this country who treat them like they work for ISIS.

Some individuals today feel like they are untouchable and the world owes them something, and when someone who puts these people safety before their own and tries to maintain discipline and order, these hooligans outrage.

So for all of you children, and yes despite your age if you disrespect our law enforcement you are indeed a child, I want you to think about this:

1. When you're drunk driving at 2 am after leaving the bar and you're trapped in your car upside down. Your only reason for survival was the man that came and rescued you, did CPR and delivered you to the medical staff at the hospital in the ambulance he was driving. That man is missing his child's first Christmas, but he saved you.

2. You and your buddy's break into a foreclosed home and start goofing off with fireworks and cause the place to catch up in flames. The person who carried you out after you fell and became unconscious, then returned back inside to put the flames out, had to leave his wife alone after she just had surgery just to come save you from being reckless.

And just one more to get the point fully across.

3. When you sneak out of your house (because what's a curfew right?) and you're going 30 over the speed limit texting and on whatever pills that guy gave you, and you look up and have ran a stop sign and hit a lady who was 5 months pregnant. The police officer who has worked 40 hours in two days was called there to direct traffic, but he got a call on the way that his wife and unborn child have been hit head on and did not survive the impact.

All of those sound terrifying but what is more terrifying is that all that happens far too much, and yet those first responders you degrade and refuse to appreciate endure way more than their pay grade will ever honor.

Without our military, medical staff, and local first responders, this world could not function. I encourage all of you the next time you see anyone of that description, thank them or pay for their meal. They do not get enough credit or respect for what they do, and this world is going suffer until that respect is restored.

To anyone who puts this country before themselves in whatever uniform you wear, I thank you a million times more. I respect your effort and tireless drive to fight for people who fight against those with their best interest at hand. God bless you all and I will always, Back The Blue.

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