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7 YouTubers You Can Check Out To Humor Your Inner Geek

The talent is strong with these ones.

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We all have our favorite YouTubers, the ones who make us laugh, the ones who make us cry, the ones who supply us with all the drama we'll need in our lives. They all have their own unique talents to bring even if we've seen it done a bazillion and one time!

On that note (music pun intended), here are a few YouTubers I have found over the years who I believe to be very unique and talented. All talented singers and performers, providing all the content a fangirl/boy could ask for.

Here are seven amazingly geeky YouTubers who will make you want to shout "Encore!" at the screen.

1. Peter Hollens

Peter Hollens is an amazingly talented acapella singer. He has done covers of songs such as Kansas' "Carry On My Wayward Son" and Wiz Khalifa's "See You Again."

Not only has he done multiple covers but he has several amazing medleys, such as his "Harry Potter" medley, "Star Wars" medley, several "Disney" medleys, and many Broadway musical medleys. He's partnered with other artists such as Whitney Avalon and his wife Evynne Hollens to create some spectacular medleys and cover songs.

2. Whitney Avalon

Speaking of Whitney Avalon she is probably most well known for her "Princess Rap Battles" but she does so much more! She wrote a song for Elastigirl from "Incredibles" and dressed up as Dolores Umbridge to sing "Poor Unfortunate Souls"

She is a very creative and talented singer, definitely worth watching her geeky videos.

3. Melinda Kathleen Reese

The original creator of "Google Translate Sings," Melinda Kathleen Reese, is amazing!! She not only has a great voice but she is hilarious.

She sings the end result of what happens when you put lyrics of songs through many, many layers of Google translate. There has yet to be one of her videos that has not made me laugh out loud.

But she doesn't just do the Google translate! She also sings covers and sings her own music! Go check her out! You won't regret it.

4. The Hillywood Show

The Hillywood Show brings favorite movie and television characters to life in their own unique way, song parodies. "Doctor Who," "Supernatural," "Sherlock," "Suicide Squad," "Stranger Things," "Walking Dead," "Harry Potter," the entire "Twilight" series and so many more get their stories told through song!

The Hillywood Show is the brainchild of two amazingly talented sisters, Hilly and Hannah Hindi. They've had famous actors such as Kim Rhodes, Richard Speight Jr., Osric Chau, and Phil LaMarr guest star in their parodies.

These parodies are a fangirl/boy's dream come true.

5. Nick Pitera

Nick Pitera is another singer, and boy does he have range! He is a brilliant singer with immense talent.

He created several "Disney" medleys that are worth watching as well as Broadway musical medleys and covers. Although most recently he's been just doing covers of popular songs, he still covers the occasional song from "Disney" movies or musicals.

His collaboration with Peter Hollens is one of my favorite medleys I've heard yet.

6. Paint

Paint, aka Jon Cozart, has many great videos and a great voice. He is most famous for his "After Ever After" video (featured above), a dark spin on favorite "Disney" tales.

Aside from his 3 dark humored "After Ever After" videos he also has written songs like "Harry Potter in 99 seconds," and "Star Wars in 99 seconds."

He's also collaborated with Peter Hollens in "Boy Brand- 1D, NSYNC, Backstreet Parody" and Vine star Thomas Sanders, in "Vine vs YouTube: The Song" and "RIP Vine: A Song"

7. Lindsey Stirling

If you've never heard the name of rock violinist, Lindsey Stirling, you must be living under a rock. She is quite famous, going on concert tours, but she got her start on YouTube.

Despite being busy with concert tours and writing her own music, she still has time to cover songs from "The Greatest Showman," "The Legend of Zelda," "Phantom of the Opera," "Assassin's Creed," "Beauty and the Beast" and many other popular songs/music.

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