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Baby YEEZY Nation

Baby Yeezy Boost 350 Madness

Baby YEEZY Nation
FRE Official

-North West wearing Pirate Black infant Yeezys-

Once again, Kanye West has taken the Adidas game by storm through his release of baby Yeezy Boost 350 in the colorways Pirate Black and Turtle Doves to be released August 27th, 2016.

-Baby Yeezy Boost 350 in Turtle Dove (left) and Pirate Black (right)-

West's release of the Yeezy Boost 350 in the adult sizes began in February 2015 with the release of the first wave of Pirate Black, which was followed by the release of the adult Turtle Doves in June of 2015, then the Moonrock colorway in November of 2015. With the release of his Yeezy Boost 350 collection being popular in demand, West decided to re-release the colorway Pirate Black in February of 2016.

All the adult size Yeezy Boost 350s were priced at a whopping $200 a pair and were only to be sold 1 per customer. The baby version of the 350s will be selling for $130 a pair with the same rule: one pair per customer.

Coping a pair of the baby Yeezys has been proven to be as difficult as snatching a pair of the adult Yeezys. It has a similar effect as the Hunger Games to say the least.

-trying to cop Yeezys, but they sell out to quick-

Reservations, done through the Adidas App, sold out within 2 minutes after they had opened live on Wednesday, August 24th.

The reason for the intense sell-out? The RE-SELL PRICE.

-baby Yeezy Boost 350 for sale on eBay-

Even before the shoes are to be released, people are buying resell pairs, of infant Yeezys, for $400+ on eBay and CraigsList. $400 for a pair of kids shoes may seem ridiculous, but that does not compare to the resale price of adult Yeezy Boost 350, which range from $900-$2,500 sold per pair.

-adult Pirate Black Yeezys for sale via eBay-

BUT FEAR NOT, there is still hope for people who are willing to cop the baby Yeezys on the 27th. According to the Adidas Twitter page, the Yeezys will be available via their website, , for those willing to wait around on their phones and laptops for the unknown time Adidas will go live with the shoes.

Will you be purchasing a pair of baby Yeezy Boost for your kid? Or maybe just copping them and flipping them for some extra cash?

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