15 Small Movies To Watch This Fall
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15 Small Movies To Watch This Fall

Must-See independent/low budget films

15 Small Movies To Watch This Fall

There are a lot of smaller movies that sometimes don't get noticed. Some of these smaller films win awards but still deserve more recognition. Others aren't well-known at all and deserve to be watched. These films have interesting story plots, unique cinematography and great acting. Here are 15 movies you should see during the start of the upcoming fall season.

Shangri-La Suite (2016)


Shangri-La Suite is a crime drama about a couple named Karen and Jack (Emily Browning and Luke Grimes) who break out of a mental hospital to follow Jack's dream of killing his favorite artist Elvis Presley. This film has interesting characters and is filmed in a vintage tone. Some scene shots look like they were shot with a old film camera. It features a hilarious Avan Jogia (known for his role as Beck in Victorious) and a deep portrayal of Elvis and Priscilla Presley (Ron Livingston and Ashley Greene).

Gia (1998)


Gia is a drama based on the true story of America's first supermodel named Gia Carangi. Gia (Angelina Jolie) quickly becomes a supermodel once she enters the modeling industry. People found her beauty unique. However, Gia gets addicted to drugs after her agent passes away and it begins to ruin her life and career. Gia was a beautifully sad film and Angelina played her part amazingly.

The Virgin Suicides (1999)


The Virgin Suicides is about a house of five beautiful sisters and the neighborhood boys who are obsessed with learning about their lives. After the Lisbon sisters have a self-inflicted terrible fate; it haunts the boys who watched their lives so closely. This film is beautifully sad and has the independent film charm that comes with Sofia Coppola's films.

Running On Empty (1988)


Running on Empty is about a couple who are fugitives and are on the run due to their antiwar activities in the 60s. They take their two sons Harry and Danny with them everywhere. Danny (River Phoenix) the older one wishes for a stable life and wants to remain in city they've moved to. This movie was a very sweet film once again showing the talents of the young actor River Phoenix.

A Single Man (2009)


A Single Man is about an English professor named George (Colin Firth) who is mourning the loss of his partner Jim (Matthew Goode). After his love's death, he is ignored by Jim's family and decides he will leave the world. While preparing he looks back on the people in his life like his friend Charlotte (Juliane Moore) and new people like his student Kenny (Nicholas Hoult). A Single Man is a very artistically sad film that shows the amazing acting of Colin Firth.

Plush (2013)


Plush is about a woman named Hayley (Emily Browning) who welcomes a new guitarist Enzo (Xavier Samuel) into her band after her brother, the original guitarist, passes away. Enzo becomes obsessive and threatens everyone closest to her. Plush is a rock drama that will leave you at the edge of your seat.

Big Time Adolescence (2019)


Big Time Adolescence is a Hulu original film about a drug-dealing dropout named Zeke (Pete Davidson) who befriends a kid named Mo (Griffin Gluck) who looks up to him. Zeke becomes a mentor to Mo but doesn't realize he is steering the kid down the wrong path. This film was funny but also very deep. It also featured Machine Gun Kelly and Sydney Sweeney (known for Euphoria).

Loving Vincent (2017)


Loving Vincent is a film that is depicted in the oil painting style of Vincent Van Gogh. It's about a young man named Armand who comes to visit where Vincent Van Gogh lived before his death to deliver a letter. He ends up investigating the final days of Vincent Van Gogh. This film is beautifully done and teaches you a lot more about the painter. The film will leave you in awe.

Good Time (2017)


Good Time is about a bank robber named Connie (Robert Pattinson) who is trying to free his mentally challenged brother from prison after having a part in him landing there. He experiences a lot of problems throughout the night in New York and gets himself deeper in a crime spiral. Good Time has a great story plot and Robert Pattinson shows amazing acting.

Passion Play (2010)


Passion Play is about a musician named Nate (Mickey Rourke) who sees a winged woman named Lily (Megan Fox) at a circus show. He breaks her out of the circus that treats her poorly only to run into a gangster (Bill Murray) who wants her. This film has a beautiful aesthetic to it and Megan Fox's acting is very impressive.

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)


Only Lovers Left Alive is about a couple Eve and Adam (Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston) who are two old vampires that are questioning their place in modern society. Adam is a undercover artist who releases his music anonymously and watches it being enjoyed from afar. Only Lovers Left Alive is a rock and roll artistic film that mixes the supernatural, music and romance.

My Friend Dahmer (2017)


My Friend Dahmer is about the true story of Jeffery Dahmer. Jeff (Ross Lynch) is a shy kid who gains a friend named John (Alex Wolff) after he has an episode in the classroom. He becomes notorious for these episodes and gains a group of friends who seem to only keep him around for a laugh which he starts to notice. Jeff shows signs early on that starts worrying both his parents and his friends. He becomes one of the most known serial killer years later. This film is haunting and Ross Lynch does a very good job in his role.



Mid90s is about a 13-year-old named Stevie (Sunny Sulijic) who spends his summer balancing a troubled home life and his new skater friends. It was directed by the well-known actor Jonah Hill. This film has the independent film charm and also has vintage looking scenes. It shows the troubles that can come with adolescence and has a great soundtrack.

The Florida Project (2017)


The Florida Project is about a 6-year-old named Moonee and her life. Her mother is struggling to make ends meet and the little girl lives without rules. The kindhearted motel manager (William Dafoe) tries to protect the kids from the harsh world around them, while Moonee and her friends live life with imagination. This film has beautiful colors and a bittersweet story plot. It's very deep and heart-warming and will leave you with tears in your eyes.

The Architect (2006)


The Architect is about a resident of the city's most crime-ridden housing named Tonya (Viola Davis) who starts a petition to have it torn down. She meets the architect who designed the buildings Leo to sign the petition. Leo's children Martin (Sebastian Stan) and Christina (Hayden Panettiere) have their own problems and hide it from their parents. This film deals with a lot of topics: the effects on the people living in crime-ridden housing, depression and sexual orientation. It is very deep and will leave you in tears.

These films were aesthetically pleasing, heart warming or had a deep tone. The directors did amazing jobs whether their movie ratings were positive or negative. The actors played their roles perfectly whether they are A-list actors or not. The beauty of these films is they are all unique and despite how small they are; their impacts are big. Enjoy this list of amazing films and have a great fall.

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