Dear Incoming UNC Freshman, Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Survive Orientation
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Dear incoming UNC freshman, here are 10 tips to help you survive orientation

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Dear incoming UNC freshman, here are 10 tips to help you survive orientation

Every upperclassmen will tell you that orientation is its own little form of hell. You sit there for two days to listen to people talk about financial aid packages and housing and all you want to do is be in college and not have to worry about any of that. Don't worry, you aren't alone in this. Every incoming freshman has to go through it at some point or another, so from me to you here are some helpful tips to get through it. Oh, and one tip that wasn't added, don't forget shower shoes. I'll leave that at the don't ask, don't tell policy.

1. Bring your walking shoes

Even if your campus isn't that large, you will be doing plenty of walking in the day or two that you are there. Between tours and being dragged from one session to the next, it isn't really the most convenient time to wear five-inch heels. Trust me on this one: stick to the Nikes, they'll be your best friend.

2. Even after the tour, you're still going to get lost


Take a deep breath, don't worry we were all just as lost as you were at one point. No one actually expects you to have the entire campus memorized after one tour. Also, just a fun fact: you aren't going to see the entire campus, just the hot spots, so don't worry when on the first day you have a class in a building you never knew existed. It happens to the best of us.

3. They really don't help you out with class registration

Honestly, had it not been for my orientation leader I would've been screwed when it came to registration. The administrators from the registrar mean well, and are there to try and help you, but their advice really isn't all that great. They give general feedback about potential classes you can take based on credits you've received from AP or IB testing but never give you any helpful tips for registration day. If your school let you register at orientation, count your blessings, because not all of us are that lucky.

4. You won't immediately become BFFs with people in your orientation group


To be fair, I have heard of people becoming great friends with people they met at orientation, but that isn't always the case. Freshman year is all about meeting new people and putting yourself out there,, so you may find that you become friends with some of the people you meet at orientation. That doesn't automatically make them your best friend. They're great people to cling to for the first few weeks while you get acclimated to college, but very rarely will you find your best friend at orientation.

5. Prepared to be overwhelmed


This GIF is probably an accurate depiction of me sitting in the seats at orientation as they attempt to throw four years worth of information at you in two days. There are so many different sessions spanning from housing to financial aid to meal plans and it all just seems to muddle together. Don't worry though, I couldn't tell you a thing about what they said at orientation and I seem to be doing just fine now.

6. prepared to be bored out of your mind


As I said before, it's a lot of information thrown at you way too fast. Don't worry though there are some fun things thrown in there every now and again, but keep in mind it is an informational session. If you dose off....just don't fall out of your chair. No one wants to start off college being THAT guy.

7. The dining hall food they give you at orientation isn't the food you get throughout the year

OK, first let me explain. You aren't going to get five Michelin star type service at your dining hall. But for some reason they want to reel you in and get you to commit to buying a meal plan while you're there, so they prepare their best meals then. Give it a few weeks into the semester and you'll regret giving into that unlimited plan. Also, pro tip: don't get the unlimited plan unless you eat four or five times a day. It really isn't worth it, but that's just me.

8. Don't be the person who only wants to sneak out or party


You are less than three months away from being on your own at college. Yes, I understand college is cool and you want to experience it all but during the summer there really isn't all that much to do anyways. Also, you run the risk of losing the respect of others around you, and possibly a lot more. Not to mention, you'll be out doing things until around one in the morning only to have to be up at seven anyways. Get some sleep, that's more important.

9. You don't have to dress to the nines


It's going to be hot and you're going to be sweaty. There's no need to wear your Sunday best to orientation. No one really cares anyways. Most college students find themselves decked in running shorts and t-shirts anyways so might as well get yourself started early. Also, being comfortable is key because you'll be moving around a lot and extremely busy. Do yourself a favor and ditch the tux for some shorts and a band tee.

10. You will fall in love with your campus!

As hot as it will be and as exhausted as you'll be after it's all said and done, you'll find that it was well worth it. I have never regretted a single second I've been on my campus, orientation included. It's the first time you get to see your new home for the next few years, and that's exciting! Take it all in because this will be home to you before you know it.

College orientation sucks. It's long, it's boring and it's basically pointless. We all go through it though so I hope these tips help make the process a little less stressful and annoying. Oh, and congrats on graduating and moving on to the next step in your journey!

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