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10 Thoughts Every Stan Has About The Upcoming 'Hunger Games' Prequel

*13 year old me screams*

10 Thoughts Every Stan Has About The Upcoming 'Hunger Games' Prequel

On June 17, 2019, it was announced that Suzanne Collins, author of the hit dystopian trilogy "The Hunger Games" will release a prequel that is set 64 years before the beginning of "The Hunger Games" trilogy. The novel is set to release on May 19, 2020.

Like many other teens and pre-teens in the early 2010s, I was obsessed with "The Hunger Games." I was so obsessed that I even bought a cardboard cutout of Peeta. I remember when I picked up the first book and consumed it in one sitting over an 8-hour period.

Years later, The Hunger Games would come to define an important growth period of my adolescence. The books were cruel and unforgiving and Collins' prose left an imprint on me. The themes of oppression and survival stirred the activist in me, and reading about the strong female character that was Katniss Everdeen was very empowering for me at a young age.

I'm not the only one beyond excited and feeling nostalgic, the fandom returned to Twitter to express their excitement, here are some of the best reactions to the prequel announcement:

The shock: this is really happening!

Fans digging up their merch from 2012.

The speculation on who the main character is. 

Remembering who the speculated main character is. 

The excitement and chaos. 

Suzanne Collins, the dystopian queen, is back. 

The braid and the pin. 

Take all of my money. 

We all know that Lionsgate is more excited than anyone. 

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