How Your Zodiac Sign Determines How You Love
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How Your Zodiac Sign Determines How You Love In Relationships

They say it's written in the stars.


We all love differently. Some of us are more willing to express our emotions, while others are more timid—some seek a partner for their adventures, while others are simply looking for a Netflix buddy to binge watch TV shows with. It's a common saying that our destinies and romances are written in the stars. In the case of how we love in our relationships, it may be. Our sun signs may very well explain our relationship habits: good ones, the bad ones, and the ugly ones too.

Here is how your zodiac determines how you love in love:

1. Aries: Confident and Passionate.

You're innately confident and spontaneous, always flirtatious and never boring. But this doesn't mean you're flighty: you'll be committed to the person you're in a relationship with. While your passion will propel your and keep the flames high, you should be careful not to be too volatile and let your fiery temper get the best of you. You're always down for a fun adventure and you love with 100% of your heart.

2. Taurus: Classic and Faithful.

Unlike the Aries, you'd rather take small steps in relationships rather than a big leap into love. But this doesn't mean you love any less. You're dependable and stubborn to protect your loved ones, which can lead to serious and long-lasting love. Just make sure this stubbornness doesn't make it hard for your loved one to communicate with you, and your difficulty dealing with change doesn't stunt your relationship's growth.

3. Gemini: Fun and Flirty.

You're fun, naturally flirtatious, and will keep your partners on their toes with great energy and conversation. It takes a special someone to get you to commit 100%. But when you find that someone that you connect with intellectually and conversationally, you're completely loyal. Your fun and energy never dies, and you'll bring that into your relationship. But you need to remember that long-lasting love takes hard work, attention, and being honest, which can be difficult for you.

4. Cancer: Gentle and Committed.

It may be very hard to open you up and get you out of your shell, which can put some people off. But if you let yourself be honest and get to know the right person, your love is so rewarding and special. You're gentle, kind, and committed to the person you're with. You want a deep, emotional love with someone who understands you intuitively, and can be there for you in the long-run.

5. Leo: Affectionate and Loyal.

You want to be admired and loved, and you're willing to give that affection to your partner back. You want romance that's fun and deep, and you'll be loyal to someone you care about. But you need to remember that love and affection is give and take, meaning that you can't always be the center of attention in a two-way healthy relationship.

6. Virgo: Goal-Oriented and Intellectual.

You're intellectual and want to achieve a lot in your life and in your relationships. You know that love is about growing with the person you're with and challenging each other, and you're not afraid to do so. You're dedicated to the relationship you're in, and willing to work towards solutions when it gets rough. But don't become obsessed with fixing and perfecting everything about your partner and relationship.

7. Libra: Romantic and Charming.

You want an old-school, classic love like in the movies. But not everything can be perfect, so you'll need to work on not idealizing love and romance, and accepting your partner for who they are. You're not afraid to express your emotions with the person you love, and you're always charming.

8. Scorpio: Guarded and Reliable.

You don't trust many people, and when you find someone worth trusting, it takes you a while to be vulnerable with them. You look for people who are interesting and honest, and you'll be intensely loyal and passionate to the person you love.

9. Sagittarius: Adventurous and Thrill-Seeking.

You seek adventure, and your thrill-seeking nature doesn't stop in your relationships. You need someone who can keep up with you, and when you find them, your love will always be interesting and never short of adventurous. But you might find yourself running away from a long-term relationship out of fear of stability and boredom.

10. Capricorn: Serious and Respectful.

Casual relationships aren't for you. You love with your whole heart, and want someone who can commit to you the way you're ready to commit to them. You're a great planner and strategist, which may come off as kind of cold, but is a great asset in a long-term relationship. You're willing to work with your partner and will always treat them respectfully.

11. Aquarius: Independent and Genuine.

If you're an Aquarius, you may have a fear of change or serious commitment, which may make it difficult for you to really love in the romantic sense. You often value friendship over romance, which can actually make you have better, more loyal relationships once you find the right person you connect with. You treat the people you love with the respect and care that you would treat a best friend. But you also pride your independence, and will need to find someone who values this too.

12. Pisces: Sensitive and Compassionate.

You're willing to be vulnerable and show your soul when you love someone. You pursue a deep connection with someone else, and will treat that person with compassion and sensitivity, the way you'd like to be treated too. You fall in love hard and will do anything for the one you love. With the right person, this is an amazing trait - but be weary in drifting too far into dream world and giving yourself to someone who doesn't deserve it.

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