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How Life Changes

Life is full of changes, from the happiest of times to the most challenging, you should appreciate them all.

Jon Flobrant

Have you ever came across an old photo of yourself and are instantly taken back to that time of your life? You start to remember the things you used to think about, your friends at that time and even what your challenges were then. I did this not too long ago and it just reminded me how much a persons life changes as they get older. It's actually pretty remarkable when you think about it.

Seeing an old photo of myself reminded me of what my grandmother told me when I was young. One day we were hanging out at her house and she said to me that there would come a day when I wouldn't want to hangout with her anymore. She said as I grew older I would see her less and less because I would rather spend time with my friends. I remember feeling so shocked when she said this and assured her that would never happen. However, as I grew older this did happen. It happened not because I wanted it to but because as I grew up I had more responsibilities then when I was eight or nine. It just happened silently without me really realizing it. In fact, this happens to everyone as they grow up. As you become older you meet more people, become are more involved in your work or school obligations and in turn don't see the people you care about as much. Don't get me wrong, it is important to go to school or work and to have more responsibilities but it's hard.

And that's how life changes. As you grow older you are faced with more responsibilities and duties. Life just naturally becomes more complicated. However, there is still beauty in what looks like chaos. The things you could only dream about when you were a child can become your reality as you get older, how amazing is that? How you accomplish things now that maybe two or three years ago would have scared you beyond words. There is beauty in how life changes. There is a beauty in the unknown, the scary, the intimidating and everything in between. Life is bound to change and you just have to embrace it, being okay with not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

Life changes everyday and it is truly an amazing thing. If you ever feel down on yourself just find a photo of you from a couple of years ago and think about everything you have accomplished since then. Imagine being able to tell yourself from ten years ago the things you are doing now or have accomplished recently, your past self would be proud of you. The changes that take place in life are hard and sometimes don't make sense but you should rejoice in them anyway. Embrace all changes and challenges in life knowing it will help prepare you for what's to come. Life is hard and the challenges we face aren't easy but think about how lucky you are to experience it all.

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