6 Reasons Corn Rows Are The Best Ever
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6 Reasons Corn Rows Are The Best Ever

& How They Might Just Change Your Life

6 Reasons Corn Rows Are The Best Ever
Taylor Boydstun

Perhaps you've seen them on tv, vacation, or your very hometown. Regardless, it's true that we've all seen them. And if we're honest, we all love them. I'm here to illustrate why. Here lie 6 reasons corn rows are not only great, but potentially life-changing.

1. Their beauty is captivating.

Okay. Let's be real. How many times have you driven down a country road and gazed upon a lush cornfield, wishing you were frolicking about in the midst of it? Scampering about without a care in the world? Only endless fascination and appreciation for this beautiful piece of God's dear Creation. (Hey, that rhymed...) The perfectly spaced rows, the tall green stalks, all hiding a bit of bright yellow cheer.

2. Their expanse is hypnotizing.

Have you ever been to Indiana in the fall? Sure, Alabama has a few corn fields here and there. Don't get me wrong - they're absolutely wonderful. But all Indiana has is corn. I mean really - their population is probably hugely disproportionate to how much corn they grow. It's immense! But the thing about Indiana corn fields in particular is how flat they are. You can see for miles and the sunset views are simply breath-taking.

3. Their capability for hide-and-seek is unmatched.

Have you ever been stuck playing hide-and-seek indoors? Before long, everybody's checking the same hiding places over and over simply because they've run out of options. Take your game outdoors and the possibilities are amplified. Even better... take your game to a corn field. Nothing beats glancing upward and seeing the tall stalks rustling where someone is frantically trying to remain hidden, or running fast and unseen straight down a row. But beware - it's always best to ask permission otherwise the farmer might just get ya.

4. They are planted in precisely ordered rows.

Everybody knows farmers take extra care to plant their precious corn in perfectly spaced, straight rows. This, of course, is to ensure the corn has ample soil to nourish its growth, but also to maximize the land being used. But for those of us who are inclined to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder this strategic planting is as soothing as can be. In a world of sporadic chaos, the order found here is like a breath of fresh air.

5. The food they produce is delicious.

While I wouldn't recommend chowing down on raw corn like the sweet little girl in the photo, I would recommend preparing them from start to finish at home. There is something special about shucking freshly picked corn with Grandma that is truly delightful. After its been thoroughly shucked and steamed, try adding some butter and salt, then dig in to your hard-earned treat!

6. They make the perfect back-drop for a photo shoot.

We've all seen the endless supply of senior photos in a corn field, but somehow it never gets old. The vibrant, sunshine-scattered green stalks of corn are so beauty-filled that you can't help but be reminded of their awesome Creator. And who doesn't love to run barefoot in a sundress through a beautiful field like this one?

So maybe this article wasn't exactly what you were expecting, but tell me - did you really expect hair to be life-changing? I can tell you it's not... and neither are corn rows. However, spending time in the great outdoors can be life-changing. Not only is it healthy for you body to breathe fresh air and get some exercise, but meditating on the complexity of detail in nature gives you sweet opportunities to reflect on the greatness of our Father who created Heaven, Earth, and all things lovely. And when you find yourself more focused on the thorns and thistles than the perfect harvests, remember that it was sin that brought thorns and thistles into this world. Not God. For He is infinitely good and loving and worthy of all praise. To Him be glory and honor and power forever. Amen.

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