This Is What Most Millennials Are Looking For In A Presidential Candidate
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This Is What Most Millennials Are Looking For In A Presidential Candidate

We just want someone who’s woke and has a lot of chill…

This Is What Most Millennials Are Looking For In A Presidential Candidate
USA Election Files

Recent trends point toward the conclusion that Millennials are making more and more of an effort to be politically aware and are actually paying attention to the news. There are a few issues that hit close to home with Millennials these days, and according to a poll conducted by USA Today and Rock The Vote, those issues include the economy, climate change, and gun control. It has certainly become more and more trendy to be aware of big picture things… #staywoke. And in the midst of the primary elections, it’s important to know what the voters want to see in a candidate. Here’s a comprehensive list of a few things that we have in mind:

A Politician Who Actually Cares About Students And Their Futures

Depending on your age, whether you’re applying to different schools or about to enter the job market, this really makes a difference in how you vote. As someone who’s finishing their last semester of college, I can safely say that looking for a job and becoming a real adult in this world isn’t easy. Millennials aren’t looking for someone who votes to make a college education harder to obtain, and chances are, they want to find a job after college, so that matters too. Of course, that begs the question of how hard they’re willing to work to reach those goals…

Though, there is a reason why candidates like Marco Rubio and Bernie Sanders are popular with young people. Sanders staunchly defends that public college education should be tuition-free and debt-free, as well as cutting interest rates on student loans, all made possible by taxing the wealthy wolves of Wall Street. Rubio takes a different approach with a similar goal: his platform states that he plans to incentivize students to pursue higher education by dwarfing the burden of student loan debt by creating an income-based repayment system that allows payments based upon your income. Clearly, politicians who lay out a plan that’s more favorable to Millennial voters get the young person's vote.

Someone Who Isn’t A Blatant Racist

Okay, it’s 2016. We’re not looking for someone who’s going to propose a bill that’s basically Jim Crow on steroids. Look at the world we live in: police brutality and incarceration rates are running rampant, and the life expectancy for minorities in America is abysmal. But politicians need to know that most of the minority vote in this upcoming election is up to young people. Nearly half of the Latino voting base is made up of Millennials, there’s a rapidly growing Asian-American electorate, and obviously, in the midst of all of the police brutality protests, the African-American vote is crucial. A lot of the Millennial vote includes first-generation immigrant children. As a first-gen immigrant child, immigration is something that hits close to home. Our parents fought so hard to give us a better life; don’t reverse how far we’ve come.

Racism and antiblackness have reared their ugly heads in the political rhetoric of many candidates - don’t think that we can’t hear you, Mr. Trump. Everything that is said is not contained by the media; we’re young, we’re aware, and we will blow it up on Worldstar.

A Politician Who Doesn’t Reek of Desperation

Despite all differences, we’re all Americans. Don’t beg us for a vote, earn it. Hillary Clinton, for example, is struggling against Bernie Sanders to get the young vote. She’s got a litany of celebrity endorsements from the Kardashians, Kanye West, Beyonce, and even Kerry Washington. But, it seems as though most Millennials #FeelTheBern, and it’s because he really does emphasize his focus on young people. Yes, as former Secretary of State, Hillary is probably more qualified “on paper” to be Commander-In-Chief, but that doesn’t matter when there’s an overwhelming amount of Millennials who care more about domestic issues such as student debt and finding a job than what’s going on in the Middle East.

Yes, domestic issues are important, and we should solve problems at home, but there has to be a balance between concerns over domestic and foreign policy issues. Unfortunately, most young voters are not achieving this balance.

The Bottom Line: Millennials Want Someone Who Will Make Their Futures Bright

Whether you #FeelTheBern, want to “Make America Great Again," finally be able to say #MadamPresident, live in the #NewAmericanCentury, #ChooseCruz or “Heal. Inspire. Revive," we all just want to be able to chase the American dream that our parents achieved.

If you’re a young person and you’re reading this, take this as an open reminder to take the time to practice your American right to vote!

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