When Adele came back on the scene with her hit single "Hello," the entire country completely and totally lost their minds.
Which, in total honesty, I don't think anybody can really blame us. That song is amazing. Actual chills every single time. But perhaps even better than the song itself are the memes, gifs, vines, and videos that have surfaced since then. They're amazing.
Amazing and hilarious. In my opinion, these are the unopposed best little pieces of comedic art, and they are enough to make you laugh no matter what. And in turn, they can get you through anything. Even finals. Especially finals.
For when you're in need of a spa day. And some hilarious Robin Williams throwbacks.
Literally dead. Every time.
Or when you remember how hard it is to be Leo.
We're all pulling for you, Leo.
Or when you're in the mood for some inappropriate comedic relief.
When you can't handle how amazing the song is, and it's taking everything you have to not cry in the middle of studying.
Just let it out. It'll be okay.
When you're wishing you were still a child, completely unaware of the horrors of college and finals and trying to function as an adult.
When you're avoiding studying so you start thinking about things like climate change.
And then you realize what's really happening.
Yeah, that and tears from finals. Tears from finals are definitely contributing.
When you've been waiting too long for Batman and Superman to collide in one movie.
And then you start to think that maybe "Hello" wasn't written just for you, maybe everybody can relate to it.
So maybe you cry a little bit more.
When you remember that Adele wasn't the first person to do this whole phone thing.
Or when you wonder what it would be like to live with musicians 24/7.
So annoying.
Meanwhile, there's Adele.