A Halloween Preparation Guide
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A Halloween Preparation Guide

The list to get you through the holiday

A Halloween Preparation Guide

As we all know, Halloween is fast approaching and around this time of year safety becomes a prime concern. There are many things that you need to be aware of on October 31st. Here's a helpful list of must-haves in order to have a happy and safe Halloween.

1) Costume

Females, Halloween costume of choice and jacket. As females, we must always be aware of how our bodies are being perceived, by men, children, and other women, etc. On Halloween, a lot of females tend to wear questionable Halloween costumes that may cause some impure thoughts, distraction from trick-or-treating, or even unwanted attention. If your Halloween costume shows too much skin (which, let's face it, we're women - we're asking for it!), then it's time to cover up with a nice jacket! That will be sure to keep the monsters away.

Males: Halloween costume of choice as long as it conforms to societal standards of masculinity. Sorry men, we know how much fun it would be to see you dressed up as your favorite cartoon character or your favorite video games persona, but that could make you unmanly, nerdy, or even, gay. You should really stick to the Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger costumes. You get bonus points for scary masks and/or artificial blood. Basically anything that might hint that you're anything less than a lumberjack, weightlifter, or construction worker in real life - stay away.

2) Snacks

For Halloween, you should be biting into some delicious candy. All your favorites - Snickers, Hershey's, Twix - the stuff that made you smile as a kid and continues to today. But yet again, people have ruined something wholesome and amazing. Avoid the razor blades and arsenic this year and bring along some snacks for the road.

Girls, you can put them in the pockets of that nice jacket we talked about! But make sure only to pack foods like almonds, salary, or water. We wouldn't want you to bloat with fatty foods or or ruin perfect complexions with food that can cause acne. You know what? Just skip the snack.

Guys, you wouldn't be caught dead carrying around anything that might be mistaken for a purse. Instead, just eat the snacks before you go. Lots of meat. Red meat. Protein. Drink a protein shake, too.

3) Pepper spray

Girls, this incredibly important for you if you want to protect your body. With that slutty Halloween costume you are sure to be wearing, you need the most protection possible. You don't want to take the chance that that guy who just hit on you isn't a complete psycho. He could be, and if you said no to that creepy guy, get your pepper spray ready. He may attack you. But hey, I told you you shouldn't have worn that costume.

Guys, this pepper spray is not for the protection of your body, but of your masculinity. Did that girl you're crushing on just see you freak out in the haunted house? Did you trip over the bottom of your Grim Reaper costume and fall on your face? Look no further for the perfect solution. Just spray some pepper spray in your eyes and you're sure to turn yourself back into the manly man society wants you to be. Don't worry about the stinging -that girl totally digs you right now.

4) The right Halloween movies

When this season rolls around, everyone is sure to be getting into the spirit with some awesome Halloween movies. You could be sitting back and watching classics like "Halloweentown" or "Hocus Pocus," or you can follow this guide on what movie is right for you.

Girls, it is crucial that you only pick movies with some sort of love story entangled in it. Girls are supposed to be emotional, dependent on men, and dying for commitment. Your choice of movie should convey this. My suggestion? "The Notebook." What's scarier than almost losing true love? Come on, you know guys expect you to watch it anyway, and you know it's your favorite movie ever so just watch it.

Guys, you need to maintain the idea that you are strong and fearless. Pick the scariest movie you could imagine, but don't forget that you can never be scared. Ever. Not even a little. You must remain calm throughout the entire movie. Even the slight mention of emotion might convey femininity and that would be terrible. So pop in the bloodiest slasher film out there and enjoy. I can't suggest anything specific. I'm a woman; I shouldn't watch those movies.

Well, there you have it. Some very helpful things to get you through Halloween. Hope this helps all you fellas and ladies out there.

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