Realizations About Being Halfway Through College | The Odyssey Online
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10 Realizations You Have About Being More Than Halfway Through College, As Told By Jessica Day

You're graduating less than a year from now? Shut your face...

10 Realizations You Have About Being More Than Halfway Through College, As Told By Jessica Day

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You're graduating less than a year from now? Shut your face...

1. You realize you have to make an appointment with career services


You really thought you could figure out what you want to do with your life on your own, but you can't.

2. You hear other people say they're graduating early (and feeling ready to) 


You, on the other hand, don't even feel like you'll be ready to graduate after a normal four years.

3. You realize maybe your calling is to drop out and be a stripper!


Nah, you actually really want to use your Communications major.

4. You're suddenly nostalgic about everything that's happened to you the last two and a half years (good and bad) 


You kind of wish you could relive it all.

5. You feel a sudden burst of energy to work on your resume 


You'll never be perkier and more prepared to work than you are today.

6. You feel the need to "dance out" all your woes


Shake it off.

7. You realize you may need to get better at communicating, to, you know, fulfill your major's requirements


Hell yeah!

8. You start convincing yourself of all the ways you've grown since starting college


You're so fun! And college did that to you!

9. You think back to your dorkier, darker times...


High school you? You don't know her. Or remember her.

10. And realize you're on the right path to adulthood 



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