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Feel A Lil' Better: Because You've Got To Get Those Greens

Your weekly wellness boost from Odyssey.

Feel A Lil' Better: Because You've Got To Get Those Greens

No matter how good (or bad) you'd describe your health, one thing is for sure: a little boost is ALWAYS a good idea. Whether that's reading a new, motivating book, or listening to a song that speaks to your soul, there are plenty of resources to help your health thrive on any given day.

We all know that leafy greens are a key aspect of a healthy, balanced diet. We see the influencers with their smoothies and restaurants boasting of their new superfood salads — is that what we're left with? Some sad, predictable salads at lunch for the sake of our health?

While that may have been your mother's plan of action, it doesn't have to be yours. Incorporating green nutrients into your life is so much easier (and tastier) than a few wilted lettuce leaves.

Each week, we're bringing you the best resources and influencers to give you a health boost. Here's what we're following this week regarding leafy greens.

Book: "The Book of Greens"

While you may think that incorporating greens has to be bland, Jenn Louis is here to prove differently. She has the solution (175 of them, actually) to tasty, nutritious meals that give you all the green gusto your body needs.

Podcast: "The Bon Appetit Foodcast"

"The Bon Appetit Foodcast" is full of knowledge for transforming the ingredients in your life. In this episode, they talk about getting picky children to eat greens... the same methods can easily be applied to adults, too.

Instagram influencer: Megan Evans

Megan Evans is a plant-based, whole foods blogger who not only understands leafy greens, she can't get enough of them! Her dishes are so pretty that you'll be changing your lifestyle up in no time.

Twitter account: Plant Based Bre

Plant Based Bre is coming to you from a stance that isn't vegan but is plant-based. Confused? Check her out and see what nutritious meals she's prepping this week.

YouTuber: Healthnut Nutrition

It's too easy to get stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to getting key nutrients into our diet. Healthnut Nutrition provides 10 new ways to eat more greens, so you'll never be bored.

BONUS: Ninja

All in all, when you're on-the-go and need those greens NOW, a smoothie is the quickest, easiest choice. You might as well invest in a good blender.

Is there a wellness resource you'd like to see featured? Send an email to

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