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11 Companies That Donate Money To Good Causes

Cute products and good cause, what could be better?

11 Companies That Donate Money To Good Causes

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I am all about supporting companies that go towards a good cause and trust me, these companies do NOT disappoint

Sand Cloud


10% of their proceeds go towards saving marine life and there clothes are super cute!

They also have days where they set up "beach clean ups" and have people gather liter that surrounds local beaches in California.

Ivory Ella


This company has GORGEOUS products and 10% of every sale goes towards saving elephants.

They have donated over $1.6 million to the Save the Elephant foundation, among other foundations that help save elephants.



Everyone loves puppies, all sizes and ages and Pawz donates 10% to no kill shelters and to helping cats and dogs and it's fantastic.

Wildin’ Clothing Co


This is another company with SUPER cute clothes and 10% of their sales go towards environmental causes. New clothes and a clean earth.

They help thousands of endangered species.

Shelly Cove


Another company who has clothes that help support sea life, this one focusing on cute little turtles!

10% of net profits go to the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Surf City, NC. The donations help support the medical treatment and rehabilitation of sea turtles.

Tree Lyfe


This company plants a tree for every sale they make. Cute products and more oxygen.

Barklyn Grace


Another company that helps puppies, but this one helps and supports homeless puppies and rescue them

They donate to Gertie's Small Dog Rescue, Hope for Paws, Lollypop Farms, Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary, and Susan G. Komen.

Follow Your Legend


This company has the CUTEST bracelet that gives you two sections to put dirt, water, etc. from your favorite place in and 12% of proceeds go to Project Protect Planet Earth

Wild Soul Outfitters


For every order placed, $1 is donated to animal conservation and they have the nicest products.

Paisley Tiger Co


10% of their proceeds go to @BigCatRescue

Polar Polly


10% of their proceeds go towards helping polar bears and nothing is better than helping these gorgeous creatures.

Here are just SOME of the companies that go above and beyond with their products AND helping good causes.

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