2018 is a fresh new start. It is the first page of a brand new book. The new year gives you a chance to reflect and make changes to improve yourself and your life. Setting goals for yourself is a great way to do that! These 12 goals are an easy and simple way to make 2018 your best year yet!
1. Make a new friend.
This one is super easy. You have 365 days so you're bound to meet at least a couple of new people. One of those people is sure to be a very good friend you can foster the friendship throughout the year. You'll have someone new to make fun memories of the new year, and hopefully, you'll be bringing your new friend into 2019 with you!
2. Do something you've never done before.
It doesn't matter what it is, just try something new! Anything at all that you've never tried before. It can be trying a new food to skydiving just make a list of some possibilities and choose which one you think would be the best!
3. Read a book.
Pick any book. It doesn't have to be long just anything that you think would be interesting. You have 365 days so you don't have to rush it. Just try reading one book this year, you may end up liking it so much you read more than one!
4. Save a certain amount of money.
It doesn't matter how much, it all depends on whatever your financial situation is. Whether you have a job or are just saving from birthday money, just set a goal big or small to save up that amount of money before the year is out.
5. Cut out a bad habit.
It can be any habit at all that you don't like. Whether it's as big as giving up smoking or as small as watching less TV, just quit a bad habit that you wish you didn't have. It will make you feel much better throughout the year knowing you improved yourself.
6. Workout.
Whether you never work out or already work out every day, just setting up a plan to work out a few times a month or once a week to improve your health will make you feel better and make your year better overall!
7. Eat healthier.
The new year is a great time to start a new habit and that new habit could be improving your eating habits. Eating healthier will improve your energy levels and even make you look and feel better! All of those will make your year better!
8. Tell someone thank you every day.
Whether it's in the form of a thank you note or just telling a friend thank you for a small favor, it will brighten someone's day to hear that you are thankful and appreciative of something they did for you! That goes a long way in fostering relationships and making them stronger! And as your relationships improve, so will your everyday life!
9. Go on your dream date.
Single or taken, plan your dream date. Whatever or wherever it is, find the person you want to go on it with and go for it! It will be a great memory and if it goes well maybe you can make it a tradition next year!
10. Learn a foreign language.
This one isn't as simple, but it is very different! Get Rosetta Stone or an app on your phone and learn a couple new words every day! It would be cool to say you're bilingual or just to be able to communicate in a foreign country. Setting this goal can help you make that happen!
11. Reconnect with an old friend.
Relationships are a huge part of what makes up your life and making those relationships stronger is just one way to improving it! Reconnecting with old friends and making those relationships even stronger than before can really make a difference. It will make you feel great to catch up and hear how they are doing and relive all your old memories while making new ones with them!
12. Call a family member every week.
Maybe once a week is too much for some people but even just a five-minute phone call to catch up with your grandma or cousin might really make their day. It's nice to hear how they're doing and make those relationships stronger. They are also the best people to keep you accountable for all these new goals you've set for yourself!
You don't have to do all these goals and you can change them up and make some of your own. Setting goals are an easy way to improve yourself and your life and there is no better time to set a resolution than with the beginning of a new year!