Once A GlamourGal, Always A GlamourGal
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Once A GlamourGal, Always A GlamourGal

Senior citizens make the best companions, with open arms and big hearts!

Once A GlamourGal, Always A GlamourGal

As I scroll through social media, viewing all the posts of where people are attending college this upcoming fall, I begin to feel nostalgic. Today is one of those days where I reflect upon my memories in high school, and one of my favorite activities that I wished I pursued in college this year was GlamourGals.

If you haven't heard of it, it's a lovely non-profit organization founded in New York of 2004. It's mission is to "inspire and organize teens [both high school and college students] to provide ongoing companionship and complimentary beauty makeovers to women living in senior living homes." And the name doesn't limit to just girls being a part of the organization. Guys can join too! I encourage anyone to join and volunteer their time for a good cause.

GlamourGals has not only been important to not only myself, but the community because we give our undivided attention to a group of underappreciated people. Between us GG members and the senior citizens, it is truly a mutual relationship. The seniors are filled with wisdom they have obtained over the course of their lives! With that wisdom, they are able to teach us life lessons they have created that we can still apply to our own lives.

The senior citizens also make the best companions, with open arms and big hearts! They manage to fill us with some of the qualities we may lack-- humor, generosity, and irrepressible joy, in order to guide through our journey of re-shaping our current selves into the best possible version of ourselves.

In return, us GG members feel invincible because we have the power to end senior loneliness. We are able to give them the confidence, self-esteem, and amity they deserve with a simple manicure, or a little makeup! We end up making the senior citizens' days a little bit brighter than usual, and at the end of the day, feel accomplished for bringing two generations together, closer than ever!

Over the course of my journey with GlamourGals for three years, I have learned that organization is my best friend! Before the school year began, I put together a GG binder to keep track of hours, upcoming dates for events, what is expected of each officer, and even supply lists!

In order to organize my chapter, we unanimously decided that using the app, Remind, would be the best way to communicate, aside from our Facebook page. Either myself or the PR agent sends out a message reminding all the gals about an upcoming meeting or an important topic. We try to have meetings twice a month for all GG members to update them on any GG sponsored events, pick dates for makeovers that work for the majority of us, or hear any ideas or suggestions any of us may have.

I also like to have an “officers-only” meeting to make sure all the officers' tasks are "smooth sailing" or if in need of assistance, I can encourage them obligingly to fulfill their tasks.

Before every makeover, I create an activity at least two weeks in advance on Remind to see how many girls will be able to attend the makeover, and arrange transportation. After that information has been collected, I make a phone call to the activity director at our typical senior living home to confirm the date and time are suitable for them.

Depending on how many girls can go, I then request supplies to make sure there is enough makeup/nail polish to go around! Lastly, I either have a brief meeting after school or send out another mass text on Remind to reassure all the girls of the makeover, and go over the "Your Guide to a Successful GlamourGals Makeover" checklist in case anyone is feeling anxious or unsure of how to attempt the makeover.

If there is one big idea I have learned from being president, it certainly has to be about being a leader. Running this club not only entails immense fun, but comes with great responsibility! In order to accomplish everything the gals and I so desire, it requires lots of preparation, 110% effort with a positive mindset, and last but not least, good communication skills.

I am incredibly blessed to be able to lead, and work in partnership with the other GlamourGals in this adventure of memories and friendships!

If I could go back to see the smiles on the ladies' faces at the senior living home after each visit, I would go back and do it again a million times. However, if I don't have the power in my hands to do it, I would suggest any prospective college student or high school student to take part in this phenomenal organization.

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