9 Things Girls With Guy Best Friends Will Hear 7 Days A Week, From Them Or Someone Else | The Odyssey Online
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9 Things Girls With Guy Best Friends Will Hear 7 Days A Week, From Them Or Someone Else

"It's 'rona season"

9 Things Girls With Guy Best Friends Will Hear 7 Days A Week, From Them Or Someone Else
Jordan Parrish

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I have multiple best friends, and I love them all so dearly. Each one brings something new into my life and I couldn't survive without them. That being said, I've noticed my guy best friends, in particular, tend to have a list of things surrounding them that I hear on the regular.

From questions about them or things they say all the time, I've collected nine things that occur almost too often in my life.

1. "Is he your boyfriend?" "Are you talking to your boyfriend again?"

No world, he isn't my boyfriend, we're just close. I may claim him as my (fake) boyfriend in a time of need, but no dating here! Thankfully, my guy bffs have rolled with the punches and even turned it into a joke.

2. "This isn't the end of the world, you'll be fine"

I honestly get some of the most sage advice from my guy best friends. They recognize that I feel like everything in my life is exploding and imploding at the same time and know what to say to make it seem less daunting.

3. "I'm so proud of you!"

On top of their advice, they are also some of my biggest cheerleaders and I'm the same for them. We actively want to be involved in celebrating each other's accomplishments, even if we have to celebrate over FaceTime or text.

4. "Did I ask for a roast?"

I don't think a day goes by that we aren't roasting each other. It's almost as if I have brothers with the way we (lovingly) insult each other. We know how to push each other's buttons and bring up things the other one dislikes. Sometimes you just gotta get in a good roast.

5. "Your mom"

Okay, not everything on this list could be nice and supportive or else you'd think I was lying. I hear variations of this one so regularly that I don't think I could even list out all of the options. I hate it, which means that I hear it twice as often. I don't know why this is something that has stuck around after middle school, but I'm ready for it to go.

6. "I know you like to be involved, so listen to what happened the other day"

I love that this gets prefaced with them acknowledging that I want to know what's going on in their lives. Over time they've learned that I want to know everything, including the drama. I might not know the people, but I will happily listen to all of your stories and give my opinion.

7. "You're so predictable"

Going back to the roasting, we know how to push each other's buttons. When you're close you tend to know how someone will react and can easily get that reaction out of them. I still haven't managed to resist hating on their words or phrases that are terrible, and they know that and love to use them and then hit me with this line.

8. "The real bros know they're bros"

Honestly, I don't even know what to say here. I do hear this, or variations of this, more often that I feel like I should. I've even had an argument debating if someone is a bro or not (they weren't). But apparently, if you know, you know *eye roll*.

9. "It's a full send and it's 'rona season"

For those of you who don't know, a full send is basically going all out on something and 'rona season refers to Coronas. Yeah, I was forced to figure that out on my own. But I guess it wasn't too hard, considering they're used basically all of the time. I don't know what it is about Coronas that makes guys dedicate a full season to them, but there's something.

So be on the lookout for what your guy best friends have to say to you. Be careful, though, you might end up picking up on some of their lingo as well. I know I hundo p have.

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