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39 Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend

Don't stress over finding the perfect present for your woman, because everything a girl could want is right here.


As a girlfriend, I always look forward to the holidays or events where you receive presents from your significant other. Not that I love material things, it is just a great way for them to express how much they care about you.

My boyfriend has always done a great job when it comes to gifts and a lot of the things on this list are things he has gotten me in the past.

So here are some ideas for any guys who aren't quite sure what to get their lady or for any girls who want to share this to give their man a hint ;)

(For best results, mix and match a few of these.)

1. Flowers

2. Chocolates or favorite candy/food

3. Stuffed animals 

4. Gift card to their favorite clothing store

5. Gift card to a place that you can enjoy together 

Restaurant, theater, etc.

6. Cute socks 

7. Candle 

8. Heart felt card

9. Date night box

Fill a box with specific date night essentials. For example, Movie, popcorn, candy, pajamas, for a movie night together.

10. Face masks

11. Movie  

Buy her a movie you saw together or if you know of a movie you know she really loved or wanted to see.

12. Fuzzy blanket 

Fuzzy socks, fuzzy pillows. Girls love everything fuzzy.

13. Toys for their pet (If they have one)

14. Wine or favorite alcohol 

15. Make coupon book

1 free back massage, 1 free favor, etc.

16. Succulent 

17. Picture frame with a picture of the two of you 

18. Jewelry 

19. Lotion or perfume

20. Hand made craft

Paint or draw them something. It means so much more than a store bought gift.

21. Gift card to spa or nail salon 

22. Decorations for their room  

All girls love cute little knick knacks. TJ Maxx has the hook up.

23. Cute Mug 

You can even fill it with tea or hot coco.

24. Salt lamp 

25. Lava lamp

26. Diffuser and/or Essential oils

27. Nail polish 

28. T-shirt from her favorite band/artist/movie 

29. Poster of her favorite band/artist/movie

30. Cute new phone case

31. Hair accessories or products 

Scrunchies, bobby pins, hairspray, etc.

32. Art supplies 

Canvas, paint brushes, etc. Or supplies for any hobbies she has.

33. Monthly subscription box

It's the gift that literally gives all year! These are subscriptions such as Ipsy, FabFitFun, etc.

34. Donate to a charity or organization she is passionate about 

worldwildlife.org, Ivory Ella, etc. When you buy from Ivory Ella they donate a % to saving elephants, and if you donate to WWF you usual get a present as well, that can be part of your gift to show you donated.

35. Star map of the day you started dating 


36. Matching friendship bracelets or necklaces

In relationships it is important to remember that you are best friends first.

37. Promise ring 

What girls love more than jewelry is jewelry that means something special!

38. Matching Underwear 


39. Cook her a nice meal

Honestly, the best present is just something that she can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into. It isn't always about how expensive the gift was, it is just about how much you know her and the time you put into giving her a really special gift.

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