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20 Gift Ideas For Your Favorite Book-Loving, Grammar-Obsessed English Major

Try out some awesome cocktail recipes with a literary twist like "Tequila Mockingbird" and "Are you there God? It's Me, Margarita."

Santa mug on top of a stack of books

Christmas is around the corner, finals are almost over, and picking a gift out for your friends can be quite a hassle. Everyone has different tastes, starting with hobbies is a great way to start, but what's even better is going straight for what they love to study. Every major is super different, and all equally difficult to figure out a gift for.

So if your friend is an English major, you're in luck! Treat your friend to something more than just a book or a notebook or package of pens. Get them something they will use and enjoy.

Check out these awesome gift ideas for your classic major that'll make you stand apart from everyone else.

1. 100 books bucket list poster 


Whether your English major is looking for new books to read or just wanna reread the classics, this Bucket List poster is a great way to keep track of the books being read and to add a little decor to the wall.

2. A monthly magazine subscription 

Magazine subscriptions are always great. Consider a subscription to their favorite magazine as a gift! Whether it's to "Poets & Writers," "Writer's Digest," "Reader's Digest," or any other of the hundreds of subscriptions, it definitely won't go to waste.

3. Rory's story cubes 


Create an unlimited possibility of stories with this fun game. Rory's story cubes are a good way to have some fun with friends, classmates, and even students.

4. The writer's toolbox 


This giftincludes exercises and instructions that help bring out the creative right part of your brain. With exercises, instructions, and twists and turns, this is a great gift to help get the juices flowing.

5. Enamel pin sets 

Enamel pins are fantastic because you can put them anywhere... on a bag, on a jacket, a hat, and wherever else. Show the love of books with special enamel pins. Whether you're looking for an author, a quote, or a way to show how much you love books, support their love of literature with these flashy pins.

6. Shakespeare insult bandages 


Although this may not be the most useful gift, it sure is different. Stand out from the rest with these Shakespeare insult bandages, real band-aids for real use but with a Shakespearean twist.

7. A drinking book with a literary twist 


Everyone loves a good drink. Check out these books to see which one you can give to your English major! Try out some awesome cocktail recipes with a literary twist like "Tequila Mockingbird" and "Are you there God? It's Me, Margarita."

8. Audible audiobooks subscription 

Amazon Audible has THOUSANDS of audiobooks for all your audiobook needs. A subscription allows access to these books and is a great way to catch up on some books on the way to class, the gym, the store, or simply relaxing at home.

9. Literary postcards 


Another not-so-typical gift, literary postcards mostly gain the attention of those who judge a book by its cover. These postcards are a great way to get in the world, especially if you love to collect or send postcards to friends! And if book covers don't suit your fancy, there's always the amazing set of postcards celebrating the world's greatest independent bookstores.

10. Book locket charms 

These handmade book lockets are an amazing and unique gift for your English major. Whether Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, or Edgar Allen Poe is their favorite author, you're sure to find a vintage gift.

11. Literary coasters 


Because who doesn't love coasters? Plus, there's so many different kinds! The typewriter, book covers, puns, and more!

12. Waterproof notepad 


Ever have a random thought in the shower with nowhere to put it? English majors think like this all the time, consider this waterproof notepad and save some ideas that could disappear without it.

13. Retro keyboard 


For typewriter fans like myself, this gift is technological and retro at the same time. Most use Bluetooth and are easy to set up and carry around, so your English major can show up to class with their typewriter to show off.

14. Hemingway pencil cup 


Ready to feel inspired while keeping all your pencils and pens organized? This nifty pencil cup is a wonderful addition to the home desk and to the antique lovers!

15. Bananagrams 


A fun and travel easy game, Bananagrams is an anagram game that will drive you bananas (hence the name). Don't get discouraged though, it's still a great game to dive into.

16. Magnetic poetry kit


This gift is perfect for any literature lover AND writer! There are over 200 magnetic words and endless possibilities, all on the kitchen fridge (or magnetic dorm room whiteboard) With different kits, including Book Lovers, Poe, Shakespeare, and more, you're sure to find one that your English major will love.

17. An adult coloring book 


Is your English major a little stressed out? Get them a literary adult coloring book! There's plenty of different ones, ranging from Shakespeare to Jane Austen, and of course, Harry Potter. Adult coloring books are a great thing to send back to school for all those stressful paper filled nights.

18. A book set of their favorite author or series

Go big or go home with this one. Whether you know their favorite series or favorite author, consider going above and beyond with a complete book set. They may have read a book or two, but the complete series will definitely keep them busy for a while.

19. Personal library kit 


For any book lover, sharing their favorite books with friends and family is a pleasure. Help them keep track and re-amp classic library circulation techniques with this nifty kit.

20. Grammar Girl 2019 tips


And of course, most English majors have a pretty good eye for grammar. Check out this helpful guide for every one of 2019's 365 days a year. There are more than 300 grammar rules and word choice guidelines that can be easy to forget. It's desk size and is perfect to take a peek at before bed.

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