We've all heard of the term "summer bod." The last-minute scramble to lose 10 pounds in a week so that you can be ready to take the perfect bikini pic for Instagram. It starts with the initial freak out you have when you realize summer is right around the corner as you're laying on the couch eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Next comes the rapid gym sessions coupled with one too many juice cleanses. When you don't magically turn into a Victoria's Secret model overnight, the real panic ensues until you just have to accept that fact that you're not actually Gigi Hadid. We've all been there and can recognize the seven stages of grief over the ever elusive "summer bod."
EntertainmentAug 08, 2018
The 7 Stages Of Achieving The Perfect Summer Bod
The time to start hitting the gym when all you want to do is lay on the couch.