USA Leadership From A New Perspective
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Politics and Activism

USA Leadership From A New Perspective

Who will you vote for next election? This list of potential nominees might change your view!

USA Leadership From A New Perspective

Growing up in Suburbia I have had my fair share of exposure to aggressive Facebook political tirades written haphazardly by the neighborhood rednecks. Often these individuals are found tanning in lawn chairs around their above ground pool at 10 a.m. sipping a Bud heavy trying to publicize their views on gun control.

Without a doubt they are the most entertaining group of people to discuss the next presidential election with because the majority of the time you're not even sure they are aware they have to physically register to vote and their electronically posted opinions will not be considered by the potential candidates.

However, I am not so keen on politics myself but I figured if Donald Trump can go from host of Celebrity Apprentice to the potential republican candidate for the United States of America I can take a crack at appointing who I think should be the next nominees for POTUS in the upcoming elections. Humor me here, although my selected applicants may not all fit the presidential requirements a mock election might be in need for these fabulous few.

1. Akon: "Smack That" pop artist and African benefactor.

Akon, who is of Senegalese-American descent, recently set up his charity Akon Lighting Africa in 2014. This charity distributes electricity to 600 million people in rural communities in Africa all stemming from his Solar Academy, which strives to help engineers find innovative ways to harvest solar power and allot it to communities in need. I believe it would be indispensable to have an individual dedicated to bettering the world using knowledge, connections, and skills with no need for reciprocation and solely out of magnanimity, too often we find ourselves helping others waiting for something in return.

2. Angelina Jolie, the humanitarian.

This woman has not only graciously done volunteer work on behalf of the homeless, but has also traveled to over 30 countries and war zones to push for aid for refugees in distressed regions of the world. Not only being named the UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador she has also formed the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation dedicated to environmental conservation and Community development in Cambodia, named after her son she adopted from Cambodia.

It doesn't stop there; she Co-founded the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, and also help set up the Kids in Need of Defense foundation, and countless others. Angelina Jolie is beyond charitable and has helped not only with funding foundations designed to implement huge changes both foreign and domestic, but has also helped raise awareness about rape and weapons in conflict. With the generosity and altruistic attitude of this woman she could influence the world to be a more benevolent place.

3. Emma Watson: This actress turned activist.

She has made huge progress in her strides for promoting feminism. She followed her journey at Hogwarts with a degree in English Literature at Brown University. She has made speeches and led movements to highlight the inherent need for change and equality in not only the future but also the present and Emma plans to have it driven by women across the world.

4. Laverne Cox: "Orange Is The New Black" Hairstylist and Transgender Icon.

The first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy in an acting role. She stands at the forefront of bullying and fully supports the LGBT community and speaks often of the issues arising across the nation. With the right for same-sex marriage newly put in place there have been harsh repercussions for some of those supporting the latest federal law, and Laverne plans to raise awareness.

She plans to try to reform social media and views on the internet by sharing various individuals stories and voice for those that haven't been able to stand up in the past she hopes to find indivisible support and I can't wait to watch her take charge and push this positive agenda. No one should ever feel inferior and her passion for equality is something this nation should fully appreciate.

5. Tim Cook: Innovator and Apple Man

Named as one of TIME magazine's "The 100 Most Influential People" Tim Cook is now taking over for Steve Jobs at Apple. He is aiming to follow in the founders steps and push for more ingenuity and greater social responsibility. He has showed promise for setting a higher business standard for not only the United States, but also the rest of the world by striving to compete with the latest technology. In interviews with Tim TIME magazine reported he is an avid supporter of individual's rights and privacy, he embraces equality and LGBT rights, and he is impressively committed to the cause for renewable energy and leaving the world a little greener than the way he found it.

Tim's integrity and passion for transforming the tech world is something this nation can benefit greatly from; advancing technology and finding imaginative ways to develop our world is just one way this man plans to make a change.

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