2. Everything seemed exciting to you because you came in not expecting anything. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

12 Reasons Freshman Year Is The Best And I Miss It So Much

Let's face it, I don't think anyone is excited to be a step closer to paying back their student loans and facing the harsh reality of growing up.

Arielle Lewis

Being a college student has its pros and cons, however, being a freshman in college was one of the best experiences in my life, better than freshman year high school. Now that I am entering my junior year of college, I am closer to graduating and I'm feeling a little nostalgic about my freshman year adventures. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to start working and traveling but I will always miss being able to make mistakes and still have time. Here are 12 reasons why I miss being a freshman in college compared to other years in college:

1. Guaranteed housing (up to 2 years)


After freshman and sophomore year, you're basically kicked to the curb and you have to either live in an on-campus or off-campus apartment, which is kind of tough if you're used to staying on campus. Plus prices are a little expensive (depends on where you decide to live). This is why many sign up as RAs or try to stretch their commuting patterns.

2. Everything seemed exciting to you because you came in not expecting anything.


As a freshman, you enter college with no expectations, so when you see something you never done before and you end up liking it, you start to become open minded and excited for what college-life brings you.

3. Meeting new people and figuring yourself out


College is where I found my voice and changed completely. Plus, I met some really great people along the way and they helped me get over my homesickness.

4. Meal plans....


No matter what year you are in, the meal plan is offered to everyone. However, if you decide to live in an on-campus apartment, the meal plan might be too pricey for you. Some universities offer block plans which give you a certain amount of meals per year. If you can't afford one, you better get to know the supermarket.

5. Being able to make excuses because you're a first-year


Like it or not, but you still technically get treated like a baby because you're still learning.

6. You aren't pressured to pick a major.......yet


Because it's your first year, but still don't take advantage of that because there's a reason not everyone graduates in 4 years.

7. Loads of scholarship money!


Organizations like people who are fresh out of high school or who are first year students, simply because…well, I don't know why. But they seem to get more recognition than other underclassmen.

8. Tuition is a lot cheaper when you first start (can go either way actually)


Every year, tuition will go up by 4%. This actually doesn't matter what grade level you're in. It depends on when you start. Your tuition in freshman year will be way less cheaper than senior year. Well, that actually depends on if you live off campus or not. This one can actually go either way.

9. Your parents still technically give you allowance


Parents want you to focus on your studies so they would rather give you money to make your transition smoother.

10. You don't have to worry about paying your loans off or scrambling for internships


Yeah, you have 3 more years to think about that. However, this doesn't give you an excuse to slack off. Personally, I would start looking for internships ASAP.

11. Things are usually accessible to you


Since you're most likely living on campus, the dining halls and campus events are right within your reach. Plus, you'll have an RA to tell you.

12. The first time doing something is always the best time, and it's memorable!


Whether it's going to a party, joining an organization, living with someone for the first time, or being away from home, you're always going to thank freshman year for teaching you that college will be the best 4 years of your life!

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