In Case You Were Wondering, This Is The Franklin Street Shop That Lines Up With Your Zodiac Sign
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In Case You Were Wondering, This Is The Franklin Street Shop That Lines Up With Your Zodiac Sign

Can't decide where to go next with your friends? Let your zodiac show you the way.

In Case You Were Wondering, This Is The Franklin Street Shop That Lines Up With Your Zodiac Sign
Alexis Byrd

Restaurants, dessert parlors, drug stores, a funeral home—Franklin Street has it all. But if you're having a hard time figuring out where to spend your weekend, I'm here with a comprehensive zodiac analysis to guide your next adventure. You're welcome in advance.

1. Aries: Frutta Bowls

One of my personal favorites, Frutta Bowls reflects Aries' dynamic and pioneering personalities. Neither will disappoint you.

2. Taurus: Cold Stone Creamery

Sweet and serene as they are, you can't go wrong with a cold cup of Cold Stone ice cream or a Taurus best friend. Each is endlessly dependable.

3. Gemini: Sup Dogs

Some commonalities between Sup Dogs and Geminis? They're both constantly busy (especially at night), very popular, and occasionally annoying. In the best way, though. They're also both enthusiastic and energetic, and they exude great chaotic energy that will cheer you up after a long class day.

4. Cancer: Light Years

Cancers just exude some spiritual energy, and it's only comparable to the overall vibe of Light Years Jewelry. Right beside the historic Varsity Theatre, Light Years holds its own as a hipster-esque place to buy your friend a cool mood ring or a rock necklace. Either of which a Cancer would be happy to receive on their birthday, I'm sure.

5. Leo: Yaya Tea

Fun, whimsical, adventurous, bold. All words that come to mind when I think of Yaya or Leos.

6. Virgo: YoPo

Simply put, Virgos get to be YoPo because YoPo is my favorite place and I'm a Virgo (the objective best sign, of course). Beyond my opinion, though, Virgos and YoPo share fun personalities and down-to-earth attitudes.

7. Libra: Mini Target

Libras are great at balancing responsibilities, so they know that their fun little Franklin Street adventure is a great opportunity to get some shopping done. Whether you need fruit or toothpaste, mini Target has your back. A lot like your good Libra friend.

8. Scorpio: Benny Capella's

Scorpios are fun-loving and carefree (and obstinate and quick-tempered), and so is Benny Capella's.

9. Sagittarius: Lotsa

Two pizza places back to back? Yep, sounds like Franklin. Anyway, Sagittariuses are quick-witted and Lotsa pizzas are quick to cook. They're perfect for each other. Sagittariuses are also very passionate, and, well, what does pizza inspire? Passion. I rest my case.

10. Capricorn: Varsity Theatre

Capricorns are practical, and Varsity offers movie tickets at very reasonable prices. Yeah, that's all I got.

11. Aquarius: Sutton's Drug Store

We love a good old down-to-earth person like an Aquarius, and Sutton's has that same homey vibe. Also, Sutton's has weird hours and can be kinda dodgy, kinda like Aquariuses. I mean, I've never met an Aquarius and I've also never been to Sutton's. Maybe neither of them is real.

12. Pisces: Carolina Coffee Shop

Traditional, original, and comfy. Those are the vibes I get both from Carolina Coffee Shop and from the dear Pisces with whom I've had the pleasure to interact. Also, Pisces are lovely, wise listeners who will offer you great advice—and what better fuel for storytelling and reflection than Carolina Coffee Shop's spectacular hot chocolate?

Just a quick side note, if you most closely identify with Walker Funeral Home when it comes to places on Franklin...don't worry. Regardless of zodiac signs, the rest of us here at UNC are dead inside, too.

If you don't have time to visit Franklin Street gems like these because you need to study for an exam, that's totally okay—click here to see which library your zodiac sign belongs in!

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